🚪|Chapter 42|🚪

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"Any updates yet?" Jeongguk shook his head, his arms folded, "no, Yoongi and Jimin are in there with her." The elder nodded and sat down next to him, clasping his hands together as the silence went on between them. It had only been about five minutes before the elder finally spoke, "I know we're here and all for Eli and Yoongi's baby, but back to your gender reveal... uhm... did you know before?"

Jeongguk shrugged, "sorta, I had a hunch the baby was a girl, and I think Jimin did too, it just was never discussed because we truly wanted to be surprised." Taehyung bit his bottom lip and nodded, "oh... that's exciting." Jeongguk gave him a soft smile and hummed quietly, "yeah, it is..." the silence rang out between the two again before Taehyung asked — "do you have any names picked out?" It took a minute before he got a response, but he didn't mind and finally the younger responded, "not really, no, but we have thought about names individually I suppose. I think we're going to wait until she's born to actually name her." The elder nodded, unsure of how to respond despite being the one who brought it up.

"That's awesome, I'm happy for you." "Thank you, Tae." The other man nodded again and sat back down all the way again and they begun to wait even more for any updates. Time went by very slowly and they remained seated there while others showed up, which those others were Yoongi's sisters, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, and another person who was next to Seokjin. The younger man was with both Seokjin and Namjoon is what Jeongguk assumed because he arrived with them at the same time, so he just thought maybe he came with them.

After what felt like hours, which it was but had only been about 4, the door opened and there appeared Yoongi who looked very... astonished. Before anyone asked, he nudged for his sisters to come in and they did, remaining silent as they entered the room. Even if they weren't positive the baby arrived, they still wished to respect Eli and knew she also needed quiet as she was stressed out and overwhelmed more then anything. She made that clear to them over text on their way there.

The two girls entered in behind their brother and they were in the room for about fifteen minutes before Yoongi came back out and ushered for Jeongguk and Taehyung to come in and they joined in with the group in there and Jeongguk's eyes widened as they laid upon the little one resting on his eomma's chest, remaining silent for right now. Although there was a remark about how Yoongi was shocked they didn't hear him absolutely screaming bloody murder a few minutes prior.

"He's so... cute..." Yoonji sat, bending down a bit and Eli offered for her to hold him and she seemingly was startled a bit but nevertheless nodded and Eli gently handed the baby off to her and then just leaned back and breathed out, looking up at Jimin then his hand and giggling, "sorry about that." The man shrugged, "it's no worry," she just gave him a loving smile and rested back down, sighing out as she appreciated how quiet everyone was. She wasn't in the mood for everyone to be acting all excited and such, that's why Yoongi texted everyone prior and begged them to remain peaceful.

"Congratulations," Jeongguk finally said, unable to keep his thoughts in this specific scenario. All he can think of is the fact in a few months he'll be here in the hospital, holding his own little one. That thought remained there like concrete, but he managed to engage in the conversation with the elder again, "what did you guys decide to name him?" There was a pause before Eli cut in, "we named him Myeong." Jeongguk stated that it was an adorable name and it fit the little one so well and Eli quietly thanked him, giving him a warm smile.

Everyone was allowed to see the baby, but turns were taken because Eli didn't wish to feel anymore overwhelmed then she already did. Everyone respected this as well, but she demanded Jimin stayed with her and he did, even staying the night with her. He just wanted to make sure she knew she had a best friend who was there for her this entire time, even though she had Yoongi too.


A few days had gone by and Eli and Yoongi had remained home, which was what the doctor told them to do as Eli healed and the baby became used to being out in the world. They were quite busy and barely talked to anyone, but everyone knew exactly why and nobody asked them about it or got upset about it.

Currently, Jimin and Jeongguk are sitting on the couch, Jimin's feet propped up on the others lap and Jeongguk flipped through the channels, finding a good show to watch. Finally, the silence was broken when the elder spoke, "thank you for watching Kai for me." There was a shrug in response, "I mean, I know you watch her for me quite often... but you know what I mean." The younger man grinned and remarked it was no problem as he continued switching through the different channels and finally landed on one about horror movies, surprised to hear the others next set of words, "I see you and Tae made up."

"What?" Jimin gave him a cheeky grin, "you know exactly what. You're friends again, huh?" Before the other could get a second in to respond he was beat to it, "I'm glad, he missed you." Jeongguk was quite unsure of how to respond, so Jimin spoke again, "I also know you're excited for this baby." "That I am." Jeongguk pushed along with the statement, it was true too.

"Have any name suggestions now that we know she's a little girl?" Jeongguk shrugged, resting his arms down, no longer as tensed up, "definitely, but I think we should wait until she's born, don't you?" The elder hummed quietly in a thinking manner before agreeing, "hell yes, I think when she's born we'll have the perfect name that will fit her." The other gave him a warm hearted smile and could concur that statement.

He's just excited for the baby in general.

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