🚪|Chapter 37|🚪

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Jimin sighed as he sat up and got an odd aching in his back but he ignored it and got up, stretching his limbs and letting off a quiet moaning like sound from the stretch and heard the other chuckle, "I like those sounds." The elder rolled his eyes but giggled and walked out of the room quickly to go check on his daughter and saw she was still sound asleep. He felt bad so he didn't wake her up just yet and left her to sleep a little bit longer.

Today was the day of court.

The man went and showered, his boyfriend joining him and getting ready at the same time. He was invited to come by Jimin for emotional support, just in case. Jimin is just being cautious in case this flunks and it doesn't go his way, which will be absolutely heart shattering and he will lose himself if it does-so he hopes to whatever is listening that it goes his way. But he has a horrible gut wrenching feeling it won't, and it's became adamant that it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Jimin was currently putting his socks on, finally getting fully dressed besides that and heard the others sigh and he turned, their beautiful eyes locking and the younger gave him a saddened look, "Jiminie..." the other looked away and tried to ignore it but it became apparent he couldn't as the other seemed to have noticed it, and within 3 seconds and two steps the other was there and hugged him tightly, holding him close-"this will go perfectly baby... no doubt about it..."

The elders knees gave in and he just pushed himself into Jeongguk's embrace, not wanting to ever let go because the feeling felt so... warm. He hasn't felt this for awhile now, and now that he has he doesn't want it to go away.

But he had to go get his daughter because she was going to go stay with Yoongi and Eli for just however long the court case took to get done with. The judge told Jimin not to bring her because so far he didn't need too and it'd be better if she wasn't there and the young man agreed and listened to what the judge suggested and Eli and Yoongi told him they would have absolutely no issue watching his little one for however long he needed them too. Jimin really felt lucky to have them as friends.

Jimin got his daughter all dressed up and clean and everything and grabbed her bag and left, his lover trailing behind as per usual and Jimin placed her in her car seat, buckling her up and placing the cute tiger plushie in her hands which she instantly snapped her attention too. Jimin chuckled and gave her a soft kiss to her cheek and shut the door, getting in the passenger side quickly and saw the other there and he recieved a smile and he returned it and breathed out, directing his attention to the outside. He wasn't ready. He wasn't prepared.

"It'll be okay love," Jeongguk claimed, hoping to reassure him even if it was just a little bit. Jimin couldn't help but smile a bit, the other trying to cheer him up warming his heart a little. But that was quickly ended as he groaned in pain and put a hand on his stomach, biting his bottom lip. The youngers eyes widened and he looked at his boyfriend, "what happened!?" Jimin shook his head and breathed in heavily, pinching his eyes shut as the pain continued, "I think it's just-ah-stress." Although both knew it was something way more then just stress Jimin refused to lead more on, telling Jeongguk to leave it and they'd deal with it later.

Jeongguk complied just to make him happy, even if he was extremely worried. But he didn't want to make this day any worse then it already was and continued the drive to his friends home.


The two dropped off the little one and reached the court house quite quickly but they did have to pick up Jimin's sister as she wanted to be there to support her brother whole heartedly since their parents wouldn't.

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