🚪|Chapter 39|🚪

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(So I have decided they're in college and this is Jeongguk's and Jimin's first year of college. If I stated otherwise please let me know!)

Jimin breathed in heavily as the gel got put on his stomach and he groaned, not appreciating the cold feeling but nonetheless stayed put breathed softly, feeling Jeongguk's hand tighten around his and the elder smiled and just relaxed a bit, feeling the doppler get pushed against his tummy softly.

"Aw there the baby is," the doctor chimed, pointing towards the screen and Jimin looked at it, eyes observing just how small the little one is. He doesn't exactly know how to feel about it. Of course it's been a month since he told Jeongguk, and the two have become accustomed to the fact there is another little one on the way, but neither were honestly prepared for it considering the fact they have so much to do before they are actually prepared for the baby. But thankfully they have awhile before they have to panic about it.

The doctor begun to explain some things to them before turning to them and smiling, "I don't know what you want to do about the gender of the baby. We can wait and have you get an ultrasound when we can positively tell on the monitor and screen—or we can do a blood test that also determines any possible diseases or issues the baby may have when born, but this test is completely optional." He declared, tapping his finger tips quietly against the clipboard as he waited for an answer and Jimin looked at Jeongguk and told him it was also his decision to make.

Jeongguk bit his bottom lip but nodded, "I think we should. Not only will we know what our baby's gender is, but we'll also know what risks to think about. What do you think love?" The other agreed and the doctor nodded and got up, "I'll be right back with the test. All I have to do is some simple bloodwork and then in a few days I'll call you and tell you the news you want to know and then the rest will be sent to you on paper, does that sound alright?" The other two agreed and doctor left to grab everything. While he was gone Jeongguk began talking.

"You know Jiminie... knowing ahead would also give us time to know what to decorate the baby's room with... and also maybe what clothes to buy? We also need to set arrangements up." Jimin giggled quietly, "baby, Ggukkie... you practically live with me at this point and you're eighteen, of course we'll set a good schedule. But we have time before we panic about that lovely, don't you agree?" The younger sighed but nodded but before he said anything the doctor walked in with everything, "alright I'm back! I just need to do some quick bloodwork and I'll have you out of here. I know you want to leave haha." The doctor joked, chuckling.

All Jimin did was smile.


"Wait so... you two... are having a baby?" Jeongguk hummed, paying no mind to the tone his elders voice held. Jeongguk couldn't care less about the others opinion because it is not his relationship—"don't you think you're a bit young, Gguk?" Namjoon asked, watching the other and Jeongguk shrugged, making some marks in his book, "no. I'm eighteen and I'm well old enough to know what I am and am not old enough for."

Taehyung groaned and rolled his eyes, "no, now you're stuck with him for the rest of your life. You know this, right?" Jeongguk stopped and looked at the elder, "excuse you?" Taehyung nodded and opened his mouth to continue on his trash talk but was shut up by Yoongi, "that's too far Taehyung, don't." The other ignored him though and did speak, very clearly too, "you know how we feel about him. You know we warned you-" "-who the fuck is we?" Hoseok snapped, death glaring the younger man and Taehyung scoffed, sitting back down and shutting his mouth.

He pissed Jeongguk off though.

"Ex-fucking-cuse you? I will not apologise for this Taehyung and I hope and I mean hope you take this to the very depth of your heart and know that you are one of the worst friends I have ever had. I love Jimin and I love his baby and I will love this baby too because this baby is my baby which you have absolutely no right to speak of! I am sick and tired of you hating on them just because they exist. Tell me, Taehyung, when has Jimin or Kai ever hurt you? Hm? Exactly. I told you because I thought you'd be happy for me but it appears you're the only one who isn't. You were supposed to be my best friend but you failed me. Now I'm going to leave before this turns violent, so goodbye and screw you Taehyung." With that he grabbed his book and his bag and left, leaving a jaw dropped group of males behind.

It took a few minutes but finally Seokjin spoke—"I know we—except Hoseok, were harsh on him when he first arrived but we've all stopped... except you. Why do you do this Taehyung? I thought you warmed up to Kai. You even gave her a plushie. Were you doing that for some sort of scheme?" The younger swallowed thickly and looked down, ignoring the stares and pissy looks he received although he was well aware he deserved them now.

Finally everyone but him got up and left, all of them turning a cold shoulder to him and they left, embarrassed for him.

He really pissed Jeongguk off.


A few hours had passed by and there was a knock at Jeongguk's door and he opened it and there stood Nari and Aera. He was quite confused on why they were here because he barely knew either of them—"hello?"

The two walked in and told him they needed to talk to him and he agreed, leading them to go sit down. Nari and Aera both looked at Jeongguk yet only Nari spoke—"I'm so sorry he's such an ass, Gguk. I'm not here to apologise on his behalf though, we're actually here to tell you we are going to throw you and Jimin a baby shower and we do not care if you say no. Please keep this a secret from Jimin as we want it to be a surprise. Is that okay?" The other couldn't reply and just swallowed, thinking. He agreed and promised he'd keep it a secret from the elder.

Jimin seemed a little bummed for awhile—ever since that bullshit with his ex. He's never really felt completely okay after that, which is understandable and that's exactly why he agreed it'd be a good idea.

It would make Jimin so happy.

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