🚪|Chapter 41|🚪

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(A/N: y'all should take a look at the picture collage I put in the introduction!)

Jimin groaned quietly when he rolled out of bed, accidentally smacking the other but he didn't even noticed, far too bothered with the nausea washing over him the moment he stepped off the bed onto his feet. He feels absolutely sick to his stomach, and without another word he rushed to the bathroom. Jeongguk quietly mumbled to himself before forcing himself to wake up and he looked at the clock next to them and he sighed, the big numbers reading "4:56AM" on it.

Jeongguk got up and out of bed, stretching slightly before heading into Kai's room, noticing how she was wide awake. Of course if you're wondering he would've went and comforted the elder but Jimin told him he doesn't want the comfort strictly because he doesn't want the other to see him throwing up, which is understandable but Jeongguk still tries to here and there.

"Hey there little one," Jeongguk bent down and picked her up out of her crib and kissed her cheek, "good morning, you're up particularly early. Is it because of your mama?" He didn't get a response at all and knew she was just sleepy and most likely hungry. Jeongguk took her and did all the morning stuff he would usually do for her around 9am - 10am. This just contained changing her and getting her into a more comfortable onesie and then feeding her. He made her a bottle and fed her, of course he'd feed her some other baby food later but for now he wanted to see if she could sleep for a bit longer so she isn't fussy later. Luck was on his side as he got her back to sleep in no time, the little girl passing out quite quickly in the arms of the elder one.

Finally he rested her down in her crib again and walked out, quietly shutting the door and then walking over to the bathroom door and saw it was locked and he sighed quietly, knocking quietly and the other told him he'd be out in a few. Jeongguk sort of shrugged it off after the other shooed him off.

Later that day they had the "surprise" baby shower. Jeongguk wanted to be able to rest before it but he felt bad, knowing his other half was sicker than, well, sicker than anything right now. But he knew it was impossible to help him or stop it, but that doesn't mean he didn't feel bad about it.

After about half an hour the bedroom door creaked open and Jeongguk looked over there and saw the other and frowned, he looked so upset but Jeongguk knew he would too if he constantly got morning sickness. Jeongguk sat up and they made eye contact — "oh... you're still awake," the elder commented, breathing in softly before continuing to the bed. Jeongguk opened his arms and reached out, nudging for the other. Jimin reluctantly did so, Jeongguk wrapping his arms around the other and holding him tight as he laid them both down, kissing the top of the others head, "you're so pretty." Jimin blushed and sniffled quietly, letting the other gently grab his hand and play with his fingers lovingly.

"I forgot how hard it was to be pregnant," the smaller man quietly giggled out, smiling to himself. Jeongguk just gave him a sympathetic smile and he spoke, "I know we're young but I'm really happy you're the person carrying our baby." There was another quiet sniffle before Jimin replied, "really?" Jeongguk softly rubbed his back with his other hand and hummed, "really."


Jeongguk carried Jimin around whenever he wasn't carrying the little one around. Of course neither weighed much, but it was still a workout when it was every 5 minutes. But he didn't care too much and just laid the other on the couch, helping bring in the decorations and decorate their home for the party. Jimin asked for them to just do it outside as he didn't feel like cleaning up streamers and balloons all day and night and into the next week. Everyone understood and removed the decorations and brought them outside. Jimin just continued to lay on the couch, Kai on his thighs as she just chewed on her teether.

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