🚪|Chapter 19|🚪

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Jeongguk grumbled as he felt a sudden pain in his lower jaw and opened his eyes as he went to find what it was but felt the foot hit it again and groaned but chuckled after and grabbed the baby's foot and pulled her a little bit up as she giggled-

"You're up early today," he declared, chuckling as the now six month old giggled and wiggled around. Jeongguk smiled and patted her bum and sat up, her coming with as she rolled back.

He caught her yet again and held closely still.

Now, the reason he is here is because Jimin will be gone for a few days (five exactly) and left Kai with Jeongguk because he literally got down on his knees and begged. So Jimin shrugged and said sure.

Of course he knows he can't just leave her with someone but he truly trusts Jeongguk so he decided it'd be alright. And it has been so far. It's been two days and Jeongguk takes her to the park, the store, watches movies with her and such.

He of course face times Jimin a lot but Jimin is very busy too. He is off with Eli in another place (Thailand) for a school project because apparently it is important to Jimin---like, really important to him.

"Well let's get you fed little one," Jeongguk breathed out as he sat her aside for a few seconds as he stretched and got up and picked her back up. Kai giggled and kicked around a little before pressing her nose in Jeongguk's neck and settling down.

She doesn't seem to mind him as she never ever cries much with him and she didn't even cry when Jimin left her with him. Now he is staying at Jimins of course and he did bring some home supplies but everything's alright.

"I'll make you the usual."

Kai giggled as she was sat down on the play-mat on the kitchen floor and she begun messing around with the little things on it---not quite literally little he means little as there weren't much but just enough.

Jeongguk kept a close eye on her as he got to making his breakfast too and got done and ate it quite quickly and then made Kai a bottle. He opened up one of those baby foods too. It was squash as guessed and he picked her up off of the floor and fed her some slowly.

She was hungry, yes, but had a fascination with trying to gnaw on the males fingers but he didn't let her and finished feeding her and wiped her off with a wash cloth as he was going to change her anyways and picked her up.

Jeongguk brought her to the living room and handed her the bottle and she took it eagerly and begun drinking it down quickly. The elder chuckled and left a soft kiss to her temple before he reached for the remote and turned the TV on.

"You amaze me---you eat a lot of food and then demand more." The male chuckled as she quickly hogged down the drink but he didn't stop her and instead watched some TV and when he was done he did what was needed and then went and changed her.

Surprisingly, he is completely okay with everything. He usually doesn't like responsibility but right now he is completely fine.

He doesn't miss his own home at all.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now