🚪|Chapter 12|🚪

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"Why are you always so damn rude?"

Yoongi shrugged and rolled his eyes, "I'm not rude, I'm quite into reality, Eli. I don't know if you have noticed or not but I am. I'm not into unicorns and rainbows and flying kittens-" "you respect that cat he is loved by many."

The elder scoffed- "see Eli? you're so immature like- oh my god-" "excuse me?" Eli huffed, quite pissed now. Who the hell does he think he is?

She's quite curious, so she's gonna ask- "Yoongi, who the hell do you think you are?"

Yoongi snickered, "someone down to earth and not up in the sky thinking about fairytales. Because well Eli, this isn't a damn fairytale and neither of us can end it, alright? it is our fault but mainly yours-"

"How the eff is it mainly my fault? you-"

"You're the one who didn't care-" Eli threw up her hand, "didn't care? Yoongi I've always cared! it was just us being careless once because we were bored and on a date and-" "save the excuses. I don't want to hear them."

Eli gave him a little sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes, folding her arms, "oh the excuses? I thought you said you were down to earth Yoongi, hmm? well I guess not. You seem to be as crazy as they come-"

"What did you just say?"

Eli rolled her eyes again, "I said you seem to be as crazy as they come-" within seconds he was face to face with her and Eli's eyes flew wide open- "I'm not and you know damn well I'm perfectly fine. You're the unstable one, Eli. The one always doing the worst-"

"The worst? you bully people for an effing living! I haven't once done that! you need to grow a pair and leave people the hell alone. I'm the sane one, Yoongi! I didn't do anything to you!" Eli pushed him back and Yoongi laughed sinisterly and Eli stared at him, irritated to the brim.

Yoongi laughed some more and started pulling at his hair- "oh really? I can't do this anymore-" "what can't you do anymore?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, "you know exactly what Eli. I'm done. There's no us anymore. It's only you two. I'm out of it."

Eli stepped forward quickly to grab his wrist to pull him back but before she could he whipped around and started pushing her back until her back hit the wall with a thump and it hurt.

The elder begun spilling slurs and horrible things to her as tears ran down her cheeks and she sobbed out, trying to pull her wrists out of his grasps. "Y-Yoongi-" she stuttered out, swallowing thickly.

"You're hurting me-"

Yoongi stopped for a split second before scoffing and turning, walking away and out of view as Eli slid back down against the wall and a flood of tears erupted and she begun balling.

But a warmth covered her and she looked up and over and saw Jimin, his face showing her sympathy and compassion as he spoke softly- "you alright?"

Eli shook her head quickly, "n-no, not a-at all---I want t-to j-just-" "don't finish that because I know you really don't want too... it's just your hormones and your hurting heart." Jimin explained, softly, bending down to face her.

The elder looked up and Jimin frowned but smiled softly- "come hang out with me, I can help cheer you up. I'll make hot chocolate hehe." Eli giggled quietly, "I would but I can't... I can't burden you like that-" "it wouldn't burden me. Plus, I asked you."

Eli looked at Jimin for a few seconds before swallowing and nodding, having him help her up.

Jimin brought her home and helped her get warm and cozy again (it was raining outside) and made them both hot chocolate and sat down next to her and smiled at her-

"Tell me. I'll listen. Everything."

And so she did-

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now