🚪|Chapter 26|🚪

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>Two weeks Later<
"She's hella annoying."

Eli rolled her eyes, yawning afterwards, "she's Jimin's sister. We're gonna need to put up with her until she leaves." Seokjin scoffed- "not me. She does one thing I dislike I'm going to kill her."

Taehyung chuckled, not noticing the female standing next to him with her left eyebrow cocked up as Taehyung became a loud mouth again-

"She'll wish she never came here haha, she'll get ran out so quick it'll be funny to watch. It's always the most annoying ones who are the most scarce."

He saw the others expressions and looked over, dreading the face he met.

"Oh hey-"

"That's really funny coming from you. And you, is it- Seokjin?" She looked more than disgusted as she continued on, "you wanna know why it's funny?"

Taehyung and Seokjin looked at each other then her- "yeah actually."

Aera rolled her eyes and spoke again, "you're both incredibly immature, unable to talk for yourselves and you can't seem to shut up for 5 minutes because all I ever hear and even all the way over there is both of y'alls obnoxious as fuck voices." She looked furious.

Eli just let off a quiet chuckle and Jimin was mortified.

And then she continued, "don't think for a second I haven't heard the way you talk about Kai. You two are incredibly immature for that one. She's a damn baby. She can't help it. She is 7 months old---and yet here you are making fun of her and her mother. It's not Jimin's fault the shit that happened to him happened and now he has her." Aera's chest heaved up and down and no, she wasn't done.

Not even close.

"Now, I want to slap the living shit out of you Seokjin. But you know what? I won't because you're not worth going to jail and getting charged with assault for. And you, Kim Taehyung, is the schools man whore. See a new girl with a good looking ass you would chase her like a pathetic puppy until you get her. I've only been here for 2 weeks and can already see that." Taehyung swallowed, honestly surprised.

Aera looked at the others, "I hate most of you except Jimin, Eli, Yoongi and Hobi," and of course she also meant to say Kai but she was only talking about them right now.

"And usually I stay quiet about this but I will, and I mean will NOT tolerate any of you being mean or rude to my niece. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded and she nodded as well and sat up, "alright now that that's settled. I got somewhere to be."

As soon as she left, Taehyung turned to Jimin and spoke, "damn your sisters scary."

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now