🚪|Chapter 28|🚪

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"Even Kai saw it!"

Jimin giggled and picked the baby up out of her highchair, "oh really?" Aera nodded frantically and Jimin grinned and looked at the baby, "tell me baby, what did you see?"

Aera giggled and Kai made a squeal like sound and Jimin grinned and turned to his sister, "she has no evidence to backup your claim."

Aera rolled her eyes but smiled and looked at Kai- "you are keeping secrets from your mother."

Kai got smiley and giggled and looked the other way and Jimin and his sister looked at each other and bursted into laughter again before settling down and getting all packed up.

The teachers wanted to see Kai again so Jimin brought her to school with him for the last hour and everyone got to say hi to her and she was all bubbly and bouncy.

"We had a long day," Jimin started, looking at the group approaching them, and Aera saw Taehyung and scrunched up her nose and made an "ugh" sound- "ew it's them."

Her brother swallowed and hummed, swinging the backpack onto himself, "yeah... oh well, it's the end of the day though anyways so we won't be stuck talking to them."

Aera did a weird huff when they reached them and Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked at Seokjin who didn't do anything.

Hoseok ran up to Jimin and put his arms up and out, signaling for the baby.

"I would like to have the baby."

Jimin giggled and handed Kai to him and Kai looked at Hoseok and giggled, squirming and wiggling around.

"I missed you," the male piped up to the little girl and Kai just giggled and wiggled around. Jimin smiled then went back to paying attention to the others.

"...where's Jeongguk?"

Namjoon shrugged, "he went home because he got sick in Science class."

Jimin nodded and Aera just death glared Taehyung and the male did the same back.


"Well, I think I better get home, Kai's been a little crabby-" he was cut off when Seokjin spoke, "we were wondering if you and Aera would like to come out with us on Friday night?"

The female looked at her brother and then back at them- "uh-" "...sure?" Jimin spoke for them, getting Hoseok to reluctantly give his baby back.

"Alright see you then!"

And well, away they went.

Aera turned to Jimin quickly-

"They have something bad planned."

"You're telling me?" Is all Jimin replied with before turning and walking away, Aera quickly following.

Well then.

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