🚪|Chapter 29|🚪

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Friday came quickly and well- here they are, sitting in a booth, waiting for drinks.

Of course they're not at a bar or anything, just at a restraunt. Aera was sitting awkwardly close to Taehyung and she considered killing him a few times but not here at least.

"So, how is Kai?"

Jimin looked up and locked eyes with Hoseok who seemed interested in knowing everything about Kai. Jimin didn't mind either to be honest.

"Oh she's perfectly good. I left her with Yoonji's girlfriend. She asked me if she could babysit Kai tonight sense she doesn't feel like going out."

Hoseok nodded and listened and Jimin smiled and went on, "Kai was a little fussy when I left but she's fine."

"That's good." Jimin nodded and gave Hoseok another smile and then turned to Yoongi to see him staring at Eli. That was all he was focused on.


The other snapped his attention to Jimin, his eyes a little tired looking. Jimin pursed his lips and thought before speaking, "you alright?"

Yoongi just nodded and hummed and went back to staring at Eli and then stared at the floor. Jimin knew something must be wrong.

The younger sighed and thought of ways to ask Yoongi if he was okay and get a detail from it but he's not sure exactly how to do that.

"Yoongi," he softly started, watching as Yoongi's eyes slowly lifted up and toward him, "yeah?" Jimin smiled and nodded towards a more quiet area- "wanna go talk?"

The other male slumped down a little but did nod, "uhm... yeah." This shocked Jimin but nevertheless they both got up, and of course the others questioned it but didn't ask nor follow them.

Jimin and Yoongi went and sat at a different table hidden in the back corner. It wasn't in anybody's way.

"So Yoongi," he clicked his tongue, "what's up?" Yoongi sighed and slumped down again, looking mildly uncomfortable but he just shrugged, "don't quite know honestly."

The other frowned, "Yoongi, is something going on between you and Eli?" The other shook his head and spoke quietly, "no, it doesn't involve her. It involves our child."

"Oh..." Jimin didn't know what to say. Was Yoongi upset at the child or something? "what do you mean?"

The elder folded his arms and sighed again but in a more sadder tone and Jimin knew it wasn't what he guessed it was- "I don't know."

"Yoongi.... are you upset at the child?" Yoongi quickly shook his head- "oh hell no, it has nothing to do with it like that."

Jimin nodded and waited for him to go on. Yoongi almost didn't until he saw what Jimin was doing and he reluctantly continued on, "I'm just... worried."

"About?" the other shrugged again and spoke even quieter this time, "I feel as if sense we are having a child there's too much responsibility. I mean- I've never been good with being responsible. What if I screw this child up? what if I mess up and it turns out like me?"

Jimin's gaze softened and he smiled, "Yoongi, that's a perfectly normal feeling... before I had Kai I constantly had that feeling. I felt like I'd end up raising her wrong or I'd screw it up. But Yoongi, there's no way to really know until the child is born. You'll be a good father, I can tell."

Yoongi's look got a little softer and he gave a weak smile. Jimin could tell he was trying not to cry, "Yoongi, it's going to be like that for awhile but you overcome it. When your baby is born I can guarantee you that as soon as you look at your baby you'll feel a lot of things and all the bad stuff will go down the drain and all you'll care about is your baby."

The other just nodded. He understands perfectly he's just not exactly sure how to respond. Jimin must've known this as he just reassured Yoongi again and then they went back to the table.

Eli and Jeongguk were having a conversation about the current baseball game that was on and playing on the tv above them. Eli doesn't pay too much attention to baseball but she did play it before.

She played for awhile but then she got pregnant and for safety reasons she stopped.

Yoongi and Jimin were just talking about the future plans with the baby. Jimin tried to get the positive stuff out of Yoongi, knowing it will help him feel better if he thinks more positively right now. Jimin was feeling a lot of things for Yoongi. He knew it would be hard and difficult but there's more factors to it than just that...

But most importantly,
Yoongi opened up to him.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now