🚪|Chapter 33|🚪

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(A/N: do you like the new cover? I am obsessed with it!)

Jeongguk sighed heavily as he picked up the crying baby and he walked over to the couch, patting her back softly while promising her she's okay and just needs to calm down.

He has absolutely no clue why she is so upset, but after a few seconds he finally pieced it together---she must be feeling the same emotion as her mama, or at least she is picking up on the energy Jimin is giving off. Which isn't a pleasant one, no, far from it. Instead, the energy and presence is gloomy and dark and angsty.

He doesn't blame his lover, he can't even imagine how he feels. He just wants him to feel better, so he's trying to help him. Even if it's just a little bit, he is trying his best with making his beautiful boyfriend feel better.

Currently, Jeongguk is watching a fussy Kai, just trying to calm her down. He understands it must frustrate Jimin a little bit that she's constantly crying today, so he thinks it would help if he just helped Jimin out a bit with trying to either get her to take a nap or just be quiet for a bit.

"Alright hun," the man sat down, baby in arms still as he relaxed down on the comfortable cushions, also getting Kai settled down as he then got onto his back with her on his chest. She calmed down, finally relaxing and she must've picked up on the calm aurora Jeongguk let off because she calmed down immediately and laid her head on his chest, mumbling out a few incoherent words like babies usually do.

Jeongguk softly rubbed her back as she slowly begun to slip into sleep, her eyes slowly closing but eventually they did and she fell asleep very quickly. The elder didn't move an inch, worried he would awake her. So, he stayed put and listened to the silence, just enjoying the peace and quiet. And come to think of it, he hasn't heard his boyfriend make any noise either and assumed he calmed down.

But the silence only happened for so long before he heard the other stumble into the living room and quickly apologise, stating that he needs Jeongguk to come with him asap and they have something important to discuss.

The younger nodded and as carefully as possible he got up, thankfully by some miracle Kai stayed asleep and then by another chance of luck she stayed asleep when he laid her down in her crib and he quietly tip-toed out and met his lover in the kitchen and he saw he seemed even more stressed then before.

"What's up dear?" Jimin shrugged and slumped back in his chair, breathing in heavily, "Gguk... if he really tries to fight me for Kai I need you to do something for me." The younger tilted his head but nodded and sat down next to him, folding his hands into fists to keep himself from digging into the wood on the chair he was sitting on as Jimin explained what one of the lawyers said that called him.

Jeongguk's anger swelled up into rage as the elder went on explaining everything said by the lawyer but before Jeongguk could respond Jimin hushed him and spoke, "Gguk, I'm going to need you to help testify for me, if he really does go through with it."

The other swallowed thickly, "do... do you think he will?" Jimin shrugged, looking down and clasping his hands together, "I'm not sure... I recieved that call and to be honest it scared the hell out of me because I thought it was that call... I'm just really worried he'll manage to lie his way through court and Kai will be taken from me."

Jeongguk cupped the others cheek in his hand and used his thumb to rub Jimin's cheek, giving him a weakened smile, "baby... I think it'll be okay, I think you have enough people on your side where you won't need to worry about any of that." This gained him a smile, but he also saw a few tears stream down the others face, staining his beautiful colored cheeks.

"Jiminie, my love... I promise it'll be okay," he reassured, but without warning the other shot up and wrapped his arms around him tightly, squeezing him a bit as the other then pushed his face into Jeongguk's shirt, finding comfort in the scent of it and the warmth. The younger just wrapped his arms around the other as best as he could and rubbed his back, telling him it would be okay as he listened to his lover cry.

It broke his heart but there isn't anything he can do about it.


Currently, they are at the lawyer's office. Well, Jimin and Kai are. The lawyer said he wanted to meet with Jimin, alongside his baby too. The lawyer just wanted to meet the baby that this whole court thing will be about.

Jimin is currently sitting in an office chair, eye contact locked with the lawyer as he explained some of the things that would happen if his ex really brought him to court over Kai. The lawyer told Jimin if he has good, clear, trustworthy evidence of his ex being abusive and hostile towards him then he pretty much has all the evidence he needs there to show his ex can not be trusted near a baby.

"Do you have this evidence?" the other swallowed thickly and pulled out a notebook and slapped it down on the table, sliding it towards the lawyer and looking down and away, his eyes meeting those of his sweet daughter.

The lawyer took the notebook and opened it, reading through the pages and his eyes widened as he realized this notebook was packed with evidence. A lot of it were awful messages that Jimin received, threats, dates of these horrible things, and a lot more that will not be mentioned.

"I uhm," Jimin cleared his throat, "I also have a lot on my phone." The lawyer nodded, telling him he needed to keep it and make sure to keep it all cost. The younger nodded and said he always has, just in case.

He breathed in heavily, hands going on his lap while they were clasped together.

It'll be okay...

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