🚪|Chapter 30|🚪

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(A/N: this is a little random chapter for an update ♡ also the toy I mention in the chapter I found at a store lol)

Jimin sighed as he looked through the shelves and finally found the correct item and put it in the cart. He was finally able to get Kai this cute rattler. Well, it more so wasn't a rattler, it was more so a toy that spins around in a circle and makes rattler noises.

Of course Jeongguk was there too, just casually holding the little girl as she watched her mama move around. She wasn't too fussy today surprisingly. Both Jimin and Jeongguk were grateful for that to be honest.

"I think she'll like this one," the elder commented and Jeongguk agreed, looking at the baby who made a cooing noise and whined, reaching for her mama who took her instantly and had Jeongguk hold the toy- "oh what's wrong baby girl?"

Kai whined again but then looked on the shelf and found a plushie and found it interesting. Jimin saw what she was looking at and grabbed it and handed it to her and chuckled as she seemed satisfied.

"I guess we're getting a plushie too." This caused the other to giggle but then he set the rattler down in the cart and nodded for Jimin to come on, which he did but he still had Kai in his arms.

As they were walking Jeongguk started observing the carseat Jimin had brought in for Kai incase she got fussy or sleepy (he did bring her inside with her in the carseat too) and he observed the little toys connected to the top- "who gave you these?"

Jimin turned, "hm?" the younger gestured towards the toys and the other grinned, "believe it or not Yoongi did. He gave them to me a little while ago, maybe a few weeks. I don't know exactly why but he did."

Of course Jimin knew why but he wouldn't mention it because he promised Yoongi his secret was safe with him. And when he said that he meant it.

"That's awesome," Jeongguk commented, obviously taken aback that Yoongi would do this- "are you sure-" "-I'm positive Eli had nothing to do with it." Jimin cut him off, giggling as he stopped the cart to put the baby in the carseat because his arms were getting slightly tired.

Jeongguk nodded and didn't further question it. He knew that there was a possibility that Yoongi did do this on his own. He has a sweet side you just have to be able to grasp it a bit and he'll show you.

"I got Yoongi and Eli a few gifts for their baby.." the elder started, buckling Kai into the carseat. Jeongguk listened in, watching them and the other continued- "I got them a few baby blankets and a baby 'starter' kit I guess. I don't know what else to call it." It caused them both to laugh but Jeongguk knew exactly what the other meant by that.

"That's good, did they appreciate it?" Jimin nodded, finally finishing this task of buckling the baby in.

Of course Jimin would get Yoongi and Eli a little bit more, knowing both might be very startled and unsure of what to get the baby now so Jimin would help a bit. He also told them a few baby tips just in case. Of course the tips weren't unsolicited and were asked of him. He wouldn't tell anybody anything if he wasn't asked so he wasn't deemed as rude.

Soonly enough they were at the cash register and paying. Jeongguk seemed very startled when the woman started talking to him, asking about the baby cooing in the carseat and hiding from view of the world.

"Oh uhm her name is Kai," he replied and the woman seemed to understand she startled the other so she calmed down a bit, "how old is she?"

Jeongguk looked at Jimin and he shrugged and went back to putting their items on the surface where you're supposed to. The other looks back at the woman- "she's six months old."

The woman smiled, "that's cute. Is she clingy?" Jeongguk shrugged, "yeah but that's normal for her age." The woman nodded and then looked at the carseat then back to Jeongguk who knew what she was asking and made eye contact with Jimin again who gave the okay so Jeongguk turned her carseat around and Kai made a cooing noise again but then looked around and the woman awed immensely.

"She's so cute!" Jeongguk nodded and agreed and Jimin thanked her from a tiny distance and then the woman asked that question- "is the daughter of both of you?"

Jeongguk went to speak but then Jimin turned around, unaware of what they were talking about and spoke kind of loudly, "we're done I got everything scanned and paid for, we're ready if you are."

The younger nodded and said goodbye to the lady and took the carseat out of the cart to help Jimin out a bit and then the woman waved bye and mentioned how their daughter was so beautiful and cute. Jeongguk had no idea what to bring of that but just thanked her.

You can guess that the car ride home was full of laughing as Jeongguk told Jimin what happened.

Jimin just found it funny as hell.

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