🚪|Chapter 16|🚪

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"Ow ow ow the hell Yoongi-"

Yoonmin gasped out in pain as the other pulled her by her wrist (which she hurt during an argument with Yoon-Ji where the tackled each other around the living room and literally broke the glass table and almost the TV... long story short... Yoon-Ji won.) And well, having the other pull on it hurt.

"What the hell Yoongi-"

"Stop saying what the hell it's irritating." Yoonmin rolled her eyes but was shoved and about kissed a window but Yoongi grabbed her just before and pulled her back, pointing outside, "what the eff is he doing here?"

Yoonmin squinted her eyes but made an 'O' with her mouth and shrugged, "you mean Jimin? he wants to talk to y-" "what?" Yoonmin shrugged, "he wants to talk to you. Maybe you would say "what" so often if you stopped cutting me off."

The younger (by four minutes) rolled his eyes and turned, leaving.

Yoonmin sighed and walked to the front door, opening it and looking at Jimin- "yo what's up?"

The younger shrugged, "I need to talk to Yoongi-" he sighed, "-it's really important."

Yoonmin didn't question it as she

1.) was too tired to question it
2.) didn't want to know
3.) and in all honesty, she didn't care

So Jimin scampered in and up into Yoongi's room.

But dear god...


"Jimin, this is the last time I'm asking you to leave."

The younger stood there, lips puckered in a sassy way and arms folded, "and this is one of the times I'm going to tell you we need to talk." Yoongi scoffed, "about what? me? my life? my dump of a life? oh! me bullying you? yeah, right-"

"The baby." Jimin cut him off, not happy.

Yoongi stopped and looked at Jimin, "excuse me?" Jimin nodded, "yes. The baby. The thing growing inside of Eli's womb." Yoongi swallowed and shook his head, "oh no no no I'm not---no. I'm not doing this. We aren't talking about that mis-"

The other growled and snapped at him, "don't you effing dare call it a mistake because Yoongi, it didn't choose you. You weren't the chosen one. That fetus was just created by your sperm, no one else's. And well, your semen and Eli's eggs. So you can't complain or call it a mistake-"

"It may be my sperm but I don't want it-"

"Maybe if you shut the hell up and listened to me you would know I'm not telling you you have to keep it." Jimin snipped and went on, "-now what I was saying was it is yours. And Yoongi, if you choose the right path and don't make the mistake of your life, you will have a beautiful person there that will also help with the baby. And her name is Min Eli."

Yoongi went to speak but Jimin went on, "but that doesn't mean you're going to. I know this, I know you. But think---imagine this---you're in the hospital, or home, whichever, and after a few hours of pain and crying and screaming, you have a beautiful little creature in your hands that you both can name and get to raise and call your own. Your child. You'll be a father, Yoongi. You'll have someone to teach your ways to and you'll have someone depending on you like you do Eli-"

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now