🚪|Chapter 21|🚪

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"Gguk," Jeongguk snapped his head up and saw Taehyung and Hoseok standing there. Taehyung was staring at the baby on Jeongguk's lap and sighed and bent down to her height.

She looked at him, fascinated. She has never seen him close up before.

So he is a new human to her.

Taehyung held out a little plushie he bought for her and she squeaked and grabbed it with her small, chubby hands and instantly put the plush tigers ear in her mouth. Taehyung chuckled and sat up- "alright Gguk, we are leaving. Only people going to stay here are Namjoon and SeokJin. Are you going to come or stay for a bit?"

The younger male sighed and shrugged.

He wanted to ask about Taehyung just deciding Kai was alright but he didn't. He didn't want to ruin that moment.

"I'm going to stay for just a little longer. I need time out of the house."

The two males looked at each other and nodded. Hoseok told Kai goodbye in a cute little playful voice and then told Jeongguk goodbye and Taehyung waved and they left. Jeongguk sighed heavily and sat back.

Kai was still highly fascinated with this new toy and gnawed on the ear gently.

SeokJin gave him the stink eye and Jeongguk rolled his eyes before getting up, Kai to his chest and her new plush trapped between her and his chest, and walked over to SeokJin, whom was not enthused.

"Can you believe how expensive the stuff here is?"

The younger shrugged, "yeah but m' not surprised. It is the arcade."

SeokJin did nod, "I'm waiting for someone." Jeongguk scrunched up his eyebrows, "you are?" the elder hummed, "yep. His name is Rico." Jeongguk quirked up a left eyebrow then, "Rico?"

"Yes. Rico. Rico Zarbai."

The male nodded, that name sounds so familiar but he isn't going to try and pin it right now. Maybe later. Before bed or in the shower or when he is trying to go to bed. But not while Kai is awake because she is a handful.

"Well, I wish you luck on that. I got to take Kai home because she needs to take a nap. I'll probably take one too."

SeokJin nodded and said goodbye and went back to his phone. Namjoon gave no hoots that they were there. He did not care.

So, Jeongguk just nodded towards him and headed home to take a nap.

He ended up on the couch, Kai asleep on his chest and holding the stuffed tiger close and drooling everywhere and Jeongguk was asleep, flat on his back, while a mafia movie played on the TV.

Moral of this was;
They had a very peaceful nap.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now