🚪|Chapter 43|🚪

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A/N: I'm so sorry for leaving y'all for so long I've been quite busy and my personal life has been insane haha, I hope you all have had amazing days and everything's been awesome! This is just a filler chapter until I get more time to write a full and complete chapter♡

Jimin sighed as he picked up the little one and she was screaming bloody murder for absolutely no reason. He doesn't have any clue in the world, especially considering he's done everything—he's changed her, he even put new clothes on her, fed her, tried to sit with her until she stopped and it seemed to have worked until he got up and left the room and that's when she begun to cry again. He was simply lost, he didn't know why she was so upset because she has no reason to be. He knows baby's will be upset for whatever reason they choose to be fussy about but she usually isn't like this.

"Pumpkin you have to help eomma out here, I don't know what's wrong." Kai didn't stop crying though, no, she begun to just scream more and Jimin frowned, holding her close to him and humming to her softly, leaving her bedroom and bringing her out into the living room where she slightly quieted down but didn't stop. He knew he would likely get a nasty noise complaint in the morning from his neighbor as she bitched about everything so he tried his best to get her to quiet down, but nothing worked. She wasn't happy whatsoever and Jimin begun to feel awful about it, unknowing of why his daughter was so unhappy.

"Please munchkin... what's wrong?" She didn't do anything else but scream again and her eomma was genuinely worried she'd hurt her lungs at this point.

He hated to do this, especially sense it was a school night, but he had to call someone to see if maybe it wasn't Jimin she wanted. It hurt his heart to think that was a possibility but he wouldn't ever hold it against her as she is still a baby.

His last resort was calling the other man and he answered quite quickly despite it being 3:47am and them having school tomorrow is what made it a bigger surprise but there was no time to spare before Jeongguk was there, welcoming himself in and entering the room and as soon as he stepped foot in Kai's presence and she noticed, her crying became to a stop and her eyes widened. She didn't reach for him though, no, she held on to her eomma tightly but when he stepped away to put his coat up her bottom lip stuck out as she threatend to cry again, but she remained silent when he returned in her sight.

"Is he who you wanted baby?" Kai didn't make any noise though, no, but she kept her eye contact locked onto the movement of the other man. Jimin held her out and Jeongguk grabbed her, holding her close and she then looked over at her eomma and whined, her eyes becoming glossy again when Jimin left her view and he saw she was going to cry again and he came closer, thinking for a moment, considering the possibilities of what could be wrong. He wasn't sure—until it hit him.

"Jeongguk," he quietly started, bringing them over to the couch and sitting him down and sitting next to him and Kai, "could she... want both of us to hold her?" The other man cut in, him and the elder locking eye contact before Jimin looked back at his little one, seeing how she was calmed down, her eyes watching his movements before she realized he wasn't going anywhere. Jimin frowned, watching her closely before speaking, "I think she has a lot stronger connection to you then you think, Gguk." He declared, relaxing down and seeing Kai's eyes had become droopy as she was just seconds away from falling asleep.

"Maybe she knows," Jeongguk remarked, looking over at the other and Jimin looked back, cocking his left eyebrow up in question and Jeongguk started, softly rubbing the little ones back, "I mean... she seems to be very connected to both of us... maybe she knows we're having a baby and maybe that's why she is upset when it isn't both of us here... I'm unable to explain it a different way, but maybe... maybe she knows?" The elder pursed his lips together as he thought and he hummed, "that's quite the possibility... I wouldn't be surprised, she's quite smart for how young she is..."

"Yeah, you're right..."

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