🚪|Chapter 6|🚪

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Jimin sighed as he sat alone yet again in the back. Jeongguk has detention so he can't sit with Jimin.

Jimin was used to be alone. He was always left alone and always last picked. Even over the Dae kid. Who literally ate a live worm in class once along with a cockroach. That's saying something.

The male occupied himself by making a bracelet. He's made many throughout his years and even has one for Kai in his locker that he keeps forgetting about because he's so busy.

The boy shot his attention up when a tray sound was made and saw a girl had sat across from him. Now, she was one of those girls you want to make no contact with.

Her hair was long and dark red with a dark blue up top and that part of her dyed bangs covered her right eye. Jimin nodded and smiled at the other girl who sat next to him.

Now Jimin never got his hopes up. Usually people only sit back there when there's no other open seats.

"Hello," the second girl spoke, turning to look at Jimin- "I'm Everest. Everest Chain," Jimin nodded and shook her extended hand and the other girl nodded once the perky girl looked at her-

"I'm Eli," Jimin tilted his head, "is Eli short for something or is it just Eli?" The girl shrugged, "just Eli. I'm Eli Min," Jimin smiled and nodded towards her, seeing upon she didn't want to shake hands but then extended her hand and shook Jimin's.

"And you?" Everest asked, looking at Jimin. She's met him before, just... she forgot his name- "Jimin, Park Jimin." Everest grinned and knew why Jeongguk was dating him now.


"Dude... Is that Eli?" Yoongi looked up and saw Eli listening to Jimin blabber on about something as he ate his sandwich slowly. Yoongi scoffed, "she didn't sit here to sit there? what a betrayer."

Namjoon shrugged, "it'll only last a week, Yoongi. Once she realises how annoying Jimin is she'll come scampering back."

The other agreed. "Maybe by tomorrow. Jimin really is annoying. I'll ask her why later, though." Hoseok looked up at Yoongi, "you don't have anymore classes with her---oh."

Yoongi nodded and cocked up his eyebrows, "what did you think?" "Wear protection." Namjoon popped back in, sounding like a scientist. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "well of course you idiot. I don't want to wind up like you know who."

Taehyung had to choke down his noodles after that comment. He just couldn't handle it anymore- "Yoongi, babies aren't a bad thing... and you heard what Gguk said. The man Jimin had Kia with just up and left. He abandoned them, Yoongi-" "are you defending him?"

The younger shrugged, "maybe I am. I just think... you all except Hobi are being unfair to the boy. He's human, like us, isn't he?" Yoongi shook his head, "no. He isn't, Taehyung."

The other male rolled his eyes and got up with his tray and moved tables. Yoongi snickered, "what a drama queen."

"Dude. Your girlfriends touching Jimin's hand-" Yoongi bit his tongue, "that's... her problem not mine-" "aren't you mhming later though?" Yoongi shrugged, "yeah, but I'll make sure Jimin's touch is off of her."

Hoseok groaned, "guys, let's not talk about Yoongi's unholy non-virgin life please. I'm not into that kind of stuff," Namjoon nodded, "alright then."

And then it was all dicks and classes and what teachers they hate the most.

All well Everest talked both of the others ears off.

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