🚪|Chapter 10|🚪

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Jimin sighed to himself as he started throwing the spice on the chili. He has no clue why he puts himself through this slow torture of making perfect food. He guessed it is just him. But then again, his entire family loves cooking---except Coconut, she literally burnt half of the kitchen to the ground.

"Well..." he mumbled to himself, looking at the food in the pot and he sighed. It wasn't enough yet but decided not to spice it out because 1.) It'll upset his stomach and 2.) He isn't trying to die.

Jimin smiled when he completed it fully and took it out and placed it on the side of the stove after turning it off and grinned, perfect.

But then he really looked at it-

Oh dear god,
There's too much.

Jimin pouted and literally stomped his food and considered dumping it outside for the neighborhood dogs that room (Jimin will leave out food later anyway it was just a thought) or maybe pack it in different little bags and give it to someone.


The male ran to his phone and grabbed, it dialing a number. A very specific number.


"This Better be important. Do you KNOW what time it is?"

Jimin giggled and nodded, "yes I do, it is 8:45pm. Why are you so snappy?"

"I'm tired," Jimin made an "ah" sound and walked around the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and putting some in. He'll keep it. "That sucks. Did Tae keep you up and at it at practice?"

"Oh dear god yes. I wanted to strangle him all day," the male let off a small snort and giggle and put a spoon in the bowl, "ah, I get that-" "anyways, what do you need?" Jimin wondered if he should really ask. She may get pissy-

Oh well.

"Do you want to come over?" There was a pause before she breathed out irritably, "what?" The younger playfully groaned, "ah you're getting so cold Unnie-" "just tell me and I won't consider snapping you later-"

"Will you come over and eat some of this food?" There was another pause but longer and he heard a frustrated grumble before she spoke again- "fine. I'm bringing Yoongi and Jeongguk-" "why?"

"Because I'm spending the damn night. Fight me." Jimin laughed and shook his head, he'd lose that fight within a second, so no thank you- "Alrighty. Kai is being good and I don't think she'll mind. You kind of are her favorite besides Coconut haha."

Yoonmin hummed on the other end before telling Jimin she'll be there soon and when she said soon she meant soon.

Jimin had just finished checking up on Kai when he heard the elder slam open the door and she stumbled in with a very pissy Min Yoongi and a happy but exhausted Jeon Jeongguk but he sparked up when he saw Jimin.

"Ggukkie!" Jimin chimed, throwing his arms around the elder and holding him tightly there. Jeongguk chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to Jimins forehead and ruffled his hair, "hey baby~"

Yoongi snickered, "either go do that in Jimins room or stop."

The younger gritted his teeth, "piss off Yoongi." Jeongguk was getting more ballsy and Yoongi didn't like that but hey, he can't stop it... permanently. "Fine kid, but don't do that here please."

"Thank you for saying please. You will be rewarded," the mint haired male scoffed but plopped down on Jimins couch and turned the other way, closing his eyes. Jimin giggled and smiled but then insisted they got food so they did.

After that Jimin popped in a movie, a horror movie, and cuddled up next to Jeongguk while Yoonmin sat down next to her brother, Yoongi, and fed him small bites of the food because she knew he was hungry too just being a pain in the ass.

"This is good Jimin," Jeongguk complemented as he took another large bite and Jimin blushed, "thank you... my Nana taught me to make chili and my oder sister taught me how to spice it."

"There's spice?" Jimin hummed and Yoonmin shot her brother a dirty glance before he said anything so all Yoongi did was nod and take another bite of the food. Yoonmin didn't mind, either. She's been having to share so far their entire lives.

Right before the movie got over, about five minutes left, Kai began balling.

Jimin groaned and muttered something incoherent and went to get up but Jeongguk beat him to it, shoved him back down, and then tore off for Kai's room. He knows where it is because well, he's been here before, he helped make it complete.

Within two minutes he came out and said Kai was asleep again and Jimin was playfully skeptical and giggled, saying Jeongguk was a magic man and went back to the movie.

Moral of the night,
Let Jeongguk put Kai to bed.

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