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“Verity! Hurry up!” Damon shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

I was currently getting ready for this year’s founders party.  I hadn’t planned on going until Kol persuaded me. Yes, Kol.

Me and Kol are what you could say…Together.

Much to my brother’s dismay.

“I’m coming. Hold on a moment!” I shouted back, straightening my dress and heading for the door.

“Finally!” He sighed as I walked down the stairs. “You look very beautiful Eri.”

I smiled softly. “Thanks. You look very dashing.”

Damon pretended to pop his collar. “Well, of course.”

Shaking my head, I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the door.

“I swear we aren’t related.” I muttered as we go into the car.

“We both know that we are 100% related Verity.” Damon raised his eyebrows teasingly, starting the car.


Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the car and took Damon’s extended arm.

“You ready for torture?” He whispered, looking at the Lockwood’s house in front of us with a smirk.

“Bring it on.”

“That’s the spirit!” He  punched  the air.

I laughed, scanning the crowd for a familiar face.

“Where’s Stefan?” I asked, remembering I hadn’t seen him at the boarding house before we left.

“He left to pick up Elena early.” When Damon said this I looked at him to see his expression.

“And how do you feel about that?” I asked, making sure I don’t trip on the steps we were currently walking up.

He simply shrugged and pursed his lips. “I’d rather arrive with my dear sister.”

“Of course you would.” I laughed.

“Verity. Damon.” Klaus greeted, stepping out in front of us.

“Ello, Santa Klaus.” I grinned, trying to mimic his accent.

Damon laughed, whilst Klaus playfully glared before walking away.

“I’m going to see Caroline.” I told Damon.

“Ok, I’ll go talk to Rebekah.” Damon nodded, letting go of my arm and making his way over to Rebekah.

Rolling my eyes I stepped back and started to walk towards Tyler and Caroline.

“You look gorgeous Verity!” Caroline squealed excitedly when she saw me.

“Thanks Care. You look beautiful.” I chuckled amused by her peppiness.

“Hey Ty.” I smiled turning towards him.                    

“Her Ver. Long-time no see.”

“You could say that.” I replied, as an arm made its way around my waist.

“You look absolutely stunning love.” Kol whispered in my ear, his lips crazing my neck a he pulled away; making me shiver slightly.

“Thanks.” My voice came out quiet.

“You look handsome.” I continued, turning towards him.

“Mmm.” He replied shortly, his eyes concentrating on my lips.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now