Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

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After finally getting homeI collapsed onto the sofa groaning as if I'd been hit by a bus.

I was feeling physically and emotionally drained. I had so much to worry about and I missed my brothers and Klaus at the same time.

Kol who was opposite me chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Aw. Is poor Verity all tired out?" He asked annoyingly

I didn't even bother looking at him whilst replying. "Shut up kol."

Kol obviously sensed my mood, as a few moments later I felt him move me over slightly and lay down beside me.

Taking my hand he entwined fingers, and spoke. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Everything." Was my simple reply.

He sighed quietly. "The three musketeers will be back tomorrow." I couldn't help but chuckle at his choice of words.

Lifting his head slightly, he grinned down at me with an mischievous look in his eye. Oh no.

"Kol...what are you thinking?" I asked warily. He simply shrugged, his grin never faltering.

"Nothing." Still not believing him I narrowed my eyes and attempted to get out of his grasp.

"Oh no you don't." Tightening his hold, he buried his head into the crook of my neck and playfully nipped at my skin.

"Kol!" I half shouted, half laughed. I could feel him smiling against my neck.

"Your an idiot."

propping himself up by his elbows he mock glared at me. "what was that?"

"You heard me Kolwala bear." It was then that I noticed that we were in the same position as when we fell up the stairs lastnight.

I looked up at Kol to see he was staring at my lips. As if sensing me watching him, his eyes flickered straight to mine.

There was a certain look in them, as if he was asking permission for something; I knew excactly what.

I nodded slightly, but it seemed that was all he needed. Because before I could say anything;

Kol's lips were firmly on mine.

It felt as if I had missed it. When it hadn't ever happened in the first place.

Have you ever felt like you are waiting? Waiting for something to happen. For something to come along and it will all make sense.

The kiss made me feel as if all that waiting was worth it. I was waiting for Kol.

He pulled away slightly, searching my eyes like he did a couple of nights ago.

He must of found what he was looking for, as he smiled widely before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me again.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now