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Kol’s point of view.

I glared at the witch as he extended his hand towards Verity.

Placing his hand on her temple she suddenly cried out in pain.

“Stop!” I yelled, just as I began to feel an aching in my own head due to the bond.

Abruptly Verity went silent, her eyes turned dull, her face emotionless, she simply stared straight right ahead.

“Perfect.” The witch smirked, inspecting her face carefully.

“What have you done?” Damon yelled, from across the room.

But Davis simply ignored him and kept on speaking to himself.

“I knew it would work, finally. My first success.”

He began to laugh hysterically, all the while Verity stayed silent and emotionless.

“Verity?” I spoke up, trying to get her attention. But she did not react.

“Verity!” I said again, a little louder this time.

Still no answer.

Something is very wrong here.

Out of nowhere Klaus shot up and grabbed the witch by his neck.

“What have you done?” He growled.

But the witch just kept on laughing.

“Speak!” Klaus tightened his grip on his neck making him quickly stop laughing.

“It worked.” He whispered to Klaus.

“What worked?”

“She won’t remember a thing since a decade ago.” He started to laugh again, making a bad feeling settle over me.

“What do you mean?” Stefan asked, as he joined Klaus’ side.

“No one has ever done it before.  But I did. I altered her memory.”

I felt my eyes widen as I found I could move and rushed over to her.

He’s lying.

He’s got to be.

“Verity? Talk to me.”

She slowly turned her had to me and I was shocked to see the dullness in her icy blue eyes.

“Who are you? What’s happened? Where am I? Damon!” She panicked, her breath coming quicker.

“I’m right here.” Damon told her, joining my side.

“What’s going on?” She asked, looking incredibly confused.

“Calm down. Now, what do you remember?” He spoke softly.

“We were-“ That’s all she could get out before collapsing.

“Oh my god-“

“Kol, relax she’s just exhausted.” Stefan told me.

I ignored him and looked over at Klaus, who was glaring at the witch.

“How do we get her memory back? Tell me!” He shouted.

The witch let out a choked laugh.

“You really want to know?” He asked. We all stayed silent, which I assume he took as a yes.

“There isn’t one!” He began to laugh again, making me race over to him and snap him neck.

“Kol!” Damon shouted. “Do you realise what you’ve just done?”

“You think this is my fault?” I shouted back. “I warned you that we should not include Verity in this!”

“You have just killed, what might be our only chance to get her memory back!”

“Why do you even care? She still remembers you!”

He looked like he was about to reply when Stefan cut us off.

“Enough! Let’s just get her home, and tomorrow I’ll call Bonnie to see if she has any idea what to do!”

We shut up, but sent the occasional glare at each other.


Verity’s POV.

I woke up in a dark room.

Previous events were really fuzzy, all I remember is being in Italy with Damon and then suddenly I’m in a horrible room with my two brothers and three other men I didn’t recognise.

And now here I am waking up alone, confused and a little scared.

Climbing off the bed I was laid on I walked over to the door and slowly opened it; careful not to make any noise. Gradually, I walked out onto the landing only to find myself in the boarding house.

The boarding house; It sure had been a long time since I’ve been here. 

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now