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The next morning I woke up in a very strange position with Kol.

We were both facing each other, our legs tangled together, his arms around my waist and our foreheads touching.

Let’s just say it was extremely awkward.

I slowly untangled my legs from his but couldn’t quite manage to get out of his grasp.

So when Kol finally woke up, I decided to pretend to be asleep. In hope the prevent the embarrassment of the situation.

So here I was lying deathly still, eyes closed and trying not to look like a corpse {No pun intended}.

I felt him move slightly and his arms slowly unwind from around my waist. I could still feel his presence next to me after he had done this…

He better not be going allEdward Cullen on me.

About 3 minutes later, I finally heard him get up and walk out of the room. Opening my eyes slowly I looked around the room and sighed in relief. Well that was strange.

Getting up I walked into my bathroom, turned on the shower before walking back onto my bedroom and making my bed.

I really needed to sort out my feelings towards Kol. I had only just met him, so there were no major feelings obviously. But I could not deny the attraction I felt for him since the moment I set eyes on him. Or the butterflies I get when he’s around.

No major feelings, huh?

Oh shut up.

After walking back into the bathroom and stripping out of my clothes, I stepped underneath the hot water. Enjoying the feeling of the water releasing the tension of my body. I failed to notice that I had forgotten to bring my clothes with me. I mentally slapped myself before washing my hair and turning off the shower.

Grabbing a towel, wrapping it securely around me, I slowly opened the door and looked out into my room. Empty. Good, no more awkward situations to deal with.

I quickly walked over to my wardrobe and started to pick out an outfit. Whilst doing this a voice suddenly startled me.

“Well isn’t this a lovely sight.” Kol.

Rolling my eyes I finished picking an outfit and walked back into the bathroom. But not before gaining another flirty comment from Kol. “Want any company in there, sweetheart?”

Even though his comments annoyed me, I was glad that he wasn’t bringing up last night.

 After getting dressed,doing my hair and make-up. I walked downstairs and into the living room where Kol was sat drinking a glass of what looked like an alcoholic substance.

“So what are we doing to day love?” He asked once he saw me. I just shrugged.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do? I mean, mystic falls is a very boring town.”

“Well I can think of many things we can do, which doesn’t involve the rest of the town at all.” He flirted whilst wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just don’t know you well enough to do those kinds of activities yet.” I flirted back.

Wait! Flirted back?

No duh.

Shut the hell up brain! Why do I even need you anyway?

To live!

Pfftt whatever.

“Verity? You there?” I heard Kol ask whilst chuckling. “Err Yeah.” I quickly responded. “Ok good I was thinking maybe we could go to the grill?” He asked. I simply nodded in reply.

Pull yourself together women!

It’s official. I’ve gone insane.

Hi! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. <3

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now