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"Ok, i'll try but i'm not certain it will actually work-"

Getting frustrated Damon cut Jeremy off. "Just please try." 

He stared at him for a moment before nodding and taking a deep breath. "Verity?" He asked with his yes closed. 

Everybody was silent, waiting for something to happen. 

A gasp was heard as Jeremy smiled slightly. "Are you ok?" 

There was a pause before Jeremy's smile got wider. "Yeah, yeah. I know it sucks." 

"Where is she?" Kol asked looking anxious. 

"Right beside you." 

Kol's eyes widened as he looked at the space beside him on the sofa. 

"D-does she remember?" He took his eyes away from the spot for a moment to look at Jeremy.

"Sure does." 

A huge smile grew on Kol's face as he looked back towards her.

"Thank you." He whispered, so quietly you could of missed it. But everybody heard it, and they all stared at him with wide eyes. 

Jeremy just nodded in response, not sure what to say. 


Kol sat on the sofa across from the one Verity's body was on. It was safe to say he looked miserable. When Jeremy had contacted Verity, they were in the middle of talking to her when she 'Suddenly dissapeared'... literally faded away into nothing. But  according to Bonnie that was perfectly normal, it meant she was coming back to us. 

But the thing that was worrying Kol was, that had been almost 3 days ago now. And Bonnie had said it would be 2 at the most.

 "Kol, don't worry. She'll come around. You have been sat on that sofa for more than 2 day's. It can't be healthy. Go take a break." Damon said, walking down the steps. But even he sounded unconvinced of what he was saying. 

"No thank you." Kol replied monotone. Not even looking at him. 

"Just remember if-"

Damon was interrupted by a loud intake of breath going through the room. They both to Verity's body to see her quickly shoot up to sitting position. 

"Verity?" Kol whispered, a tear running down his cheek. 

"Kol." She smiled. 

In less than a second, Kol had crossed the room and taken her into his arms. 

Damon who was frozen on the spot, simply stared at his little sister before slowly dropping to the floor and resting his elbows on his knee's. He could feel tears run down his face as he laughed to himself. 


He looked up at the sound of her voice, to see her standing in front of him with a smile. 

Quickly, he got up and pulled her into a hug. 

"We are never doing anything like that again. Ever." He demanded, trying to wipe the tears away before anybody else saw them. 

Slowly, he pulled away before heading for the door.

"I'm going to get the others. There at the Grill, I'll be back soon." He grinned. 

Verity nodded and turned back to Kol as she heard the door close.

He smiled widely at her as she lent her forehead against his. 

"I love you." He stated. 

She laughed slightly. "I love you too Kolwala bear."

He stared at her adoringly, before reaching into his pocket and getting something he had kept close to him. 

Verity smiled as he slipped the ring onto her finger once again.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now