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"Verity! Come out, come out where ever you are!" I stifled a giggle whilst burying myself deeper into the closet.

"You know you can't hide for long princess!" I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Even though I was quite happy with my hiding place, I knew he would find me. He always did.

I mentally cursed myself as I accidentally hit my head against wood of the closet, making a hallowed knock. I heard him stop; then change his direction.

Allowing a grin to plant itself upon my lips I quickly climbed out of the small space and ran across the hall towards the stairs. I was almost there when I felt two strong arms snake round my waist and pull me backwards into a hard chest.

"Got you."

Turning around I met the mezmerizing blue eyes of Jackson Pierce.




I quickly snapped back into reality at the sound of Damon's voice. "Huh?" He simply rolled his eyes at my response and leaned forward in his chair.

"What did he want? Jackson I mean." I shrugged and inspected my nails for distraction.

"Nothing really. He just decided to be annoying." Ok, so I lied. I don't need to be interrogated further.

"Your lying." Was all he said. "What? No I'm not." I carried on looking at my hot pink polished nails. This time it was Kol's turn to speak.

"Then why did he stake you Verity?" What.An.Idiot.

"He what!" There goes my eardrums. "Klaus sit down. He was just being plain old Jackson."

"I will not sit down Verity Salvatore. I will not sit down until you tell me what is going on!" Ooh crap. Angry Klaus= Scared Verity.

I just stayed quiet, simply looking up at him. I didn't look him in the eye. Oh no. That would make me want to run and hide under my bed.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, I guess I'll have to find out myself." When he said this, I frowned wondering what he was getting at. Until it clicked.


Compulsion is the one thing that I truly hate. That truly scares me. After having bad experience with it, I think I know why. Klaus knows this too, I made him promise that he would never, ever use it on me. And now he wants to break that promise to simply find out some useless information.

I wasn't going to let him do that. "Ok." I sighed. "He simply let me know that he was not happy, that I am close to Kol. He's Jealous."

"Your still lying!"..... I was telling the truth.

I quickly shot of out my seat eyeing Klaus. Every step he took towards me, I took one back. But Klaus in an original. He's faster, stronger and smarter.

angrily speeding over to me, Klaus actually hit me. My best friend. My head snapped to the left from the impact.

I still didn't have time to react as I soon felt my head being held between his hands forcing me to look into his angry eyes, whilst he looked into my icy blue ones.

Which I'm sure held lot's of emotions right now.

"What did Jackson want?" He asked sternly. I felt my pupils dilate. And all self control drain from my body.

"He came to express his dislike of my close relationship with Kol." It was like the words were being forcefully pulled from my mouth..From my brain.

Klaus' eyes softened a great deal. He slowly let go of me and took a step back.

I felt tears spring to my eyes whilst moving my hand up to touch my throbbing cheek.

He'd never done that before. I'd never seen him so angry. Quickly looking past him I noticed that Damon was stood in front of his chair looking pissed. Whilst Stefan and Kol were sat with a look of pure shock on there faces.

"Verity, I-I'm s-"

"No!" I interrupted him. Then lowering my voice to simply a whisper I added. "How could you?"

Before he had a chance to say anything else, I quickly turned on my heel and walked out of the boarding house.

Without glancing back.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now