Tree house.

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Verity's POV.


All I could see.


All I could hear.


All I could feel.

I banged into something hard.

A tree.

I kept on falling over.

I want everything to end.

I had no idea where I was, just blindly walking.

Damon's POV

She cannot go through this sort if pain. Not my baby sister. My best friend.

I know just how horrific it is, due to past experience.

I have to find her.

Keep her safe.

There's still werewolf's out.

I didn't need the others to look for her.

Because I knew exactly where she was.

After a little arguing (Mostly Kol), they had finally agreed to stay at the boarding house.


Finally reaching the entrance of the woods I stopped with the vampire speed. Hearing the crunch of leaves and twigs under my feet.

I knew I had to be careful. It was a full moon. And after all, werewolves hate me. It's my fault Verity got bit.

I pushed those churning thoughts to the side, find Verity now; beat yourself up later.

2 minutes later I got to my destination. Mine and Verity's tree house. [treehouse_inside01]

We had built it when we were just children. Spending everyday playing in it until Katherine turned up.

When Katherine entered my life, I seemed to only spend a small amount of time with Verity.

Something else I feel incredibly guilty about. And always will.

I know I have a lot to apologise for, and I will; when the time is right.

I have no idea how nobody has found it. Even it is well hid, deep into the woods.

We spent all our time working on this tree house.

It was our getaway.

Whilst Stefan was spending as much time with our father as possible, this is what Verity and I did to avoid spending time with him.

Sometimes over the years, I would visit it by myself. Expecting every little detail. Smiling at every little memory.

(Verity Aged 9 + Damon aged 11) 3rd person.

"Damon!" The upset voice of verity called out from just behind him.

Quickly turning around to see what the matter was, he saw that Verity was inspecting her index finger closely.

Walking over to her he gently took her hand and noticed she had a small cut from where she had caught it on a sharp piece of bark.

"Damon, it stings." She mumbled looking up at him with tears filling her icy blue eyes.

Smiling softly at her he leaned down and kissed he finger, next to the cut.

"We could go tell father if you'd like Verity? He'll look after it properly."

"N-No!" Verity stuttered quickly, before composing herself and raising her shoulders in shrug. "Father wouldn't want to be interrupted. You know he doesn't like it when I bother him. He'll be busy like he normally is."

This made Damon's heart break. The thought that his little sister, felt as if she couldn't go to her own father for help made him want to destroy something.

And the horrible thing was; that it's true.

Even at the young age of 11, Damon knew that his father would never love him and Verity like he loved stefan.

Damon sometimes wonders that if Verity had been closer to Stefan than she had Damon; her father would actually pay attention to her.

He actually knew for certain that this would be true. But still, Verity would always chose Damon.

That is one of the many reasons he loves her so much.


Smiling slightly at the memory, I felt a rush of anger go through me when I thought of how our father had treated us, horribly. But with Stefan, he was absolutely fine.

But all these thoughts banished when I caught sight of my sister.

She looked terrible.

She was leant up against the far wall of the tree house breathing heavily, barley keeping her eyes open.

"Verity? Verity. Listen to me, you need to keep your eyes open angel. You need to keep them open."

"Damon? Is that you?" She murmured, her voice hoarse.

"Yes, yes it's me. We need to get you to Klaus."

"Klaus? Who's Klaus?.... Damon, it hurts." The last part came painfully quiet. Making Damon want to cry.

Putting an arm around her Damon was about to lift her before she spoke again.

"Damon, sit with me, please?" As she said this a small smile made its way to her lips.

"Verity we need to get you home. Or you will d-" But she cut him off.


After staring at her for a moment, Damon let out a breath. "Ok."

He sat down next to her and carefully took her slender hand into his, like it was as fragile as a snowflake.

"Do you remember when father followed us into the woods because we had been up to no good, and we had to run the opposite way so he would not find the tree house?" She mumbled, chuckling slightly.

"He was so mad I thought the vein in his forehead was going to burst." He laughed back.

Thinking back to this made Damon laugh. They had broken his study window whilst playing ball. Their father had been furious and chased them all the way to the woods.

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