"Like the animal!"

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The next day after taking a shower and getting dressed, I walked to Kol’s room to find him still asleep. Rolling my eyes I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

After about 10 minutes of waiting I began to get that feeling again.

The feeling of boredom.

Sighing I stood up and made my way back up the stairs and into Kol’s room. Not bothering to be quiet I walked over to his bed and sat down on it. I spotted a glass of water on the nightstand and an evil smirk made its way to my lips.

Picking up the glass of water, I threw it over Kol’s head with an evil chuckle. Kol quickly shot up, his eyes darting around the room. When they found me they slowly narrowed into a glare. “What the hell Verity?” he growled.

To most people, the tone of his voice would be frightening. But to me it was simply amusing; I let out a laugh and sat back down at the foot of the bed.

“I’m bored.” I stated. Kol scoffed. “So you decided to entertain yourself by throwing water on me?” He asked, his glare never wavering. I shrugged, “No, although it was quite amusing. I need you to entertain me.”

A slow smirk grew on Kol’s face. “Well if you wanted to do that you could of just asked-“ “No! Not that, I was thinking you could help me find that lady from last night. So we can find out what she was talking about?”

“Well I would love to, but we have to meet someone at the grill.” He told me whilst getting out of bed and opening the curtains.

I groaned and flopped down onto the bed. “But the grills boring, we went yesterday. And you’re probably meeting some weirdo-“ “We’re actually meeting Elijah, so-“

“Elijah!” I shot up and clapped my hands excitedly. I had always gotten along with Elijah, spending so much time with Klaus meant spending a lot of time with Elijah.

“Well, I’m glad to see you like Elijah.” Kol muttered sarcastically. I ignored him and happily skipped out of his room so he could get changed. “I’ll be 5 minutes!” He called after me.

10 minutes later, we were in the car and on our way to the grill. I wouldn’t let Kol drive. “Hey Kol?” I grinned “Hmm” He asked with a wary look on his face. “I have a nickname for you.” I told him. “Ermm ok, what is it?” He looked at me weirdly. “Kolwala-Bear!” As soon as I said it I began to laugh. “G-get it? Kol...Wala...Bear! Like the animal!” I tried to explain through my laughter.

“Ok, Verity very funny, eyes on the road! We might be immortal. But I’m pretty sure your car isn’t” I glanced over at Kol to see he was watching me with an amused expression. Once I had calmed down we were walking through the grills doors.

“I actually can’t believe you laughed all the way here.” Kol told me whilst putting his arm around my waist. I simply shrugged, walking toward my usual table at the back of the room.

After sitting down, I scanned he room. Taking in the locals to see who was here. After noting that there was nobody particularly interesting, I looked back to Kol.

“I’m bored.” I stated. Kol looked at me in disbelief. “Already?” I nodded and set my head down on the table. “I miss Damon.” I told him. It was muffled by the table, but of course he still heard me. “Just Damon? Not Stefan or Klaus?” Kol asked me. “Of course I miss the other two. Just not as much.” I replied, my head still on the table.

I heard Kol make a sound of agreement. “I know what you mean.” I felt a presence next to me; and looked up the see a smiling Elijah. “Elijah!” I grinned happily whilst hugging him.

“Hello verity.” He hugged back. “Oh I see how it is. Elijah gets welcomed with a hug and I get welcomed with a glass of water in my face.” I heard Kol scoff. I just patted him on the head and turned back to Elijah who was giving me the ‘I’m not even going to ask’ Look.

“I have to say, Kol is the last person I would expect to find you with.” He chuckled. I simply shrugged and leaned back in my chair. “Well, dear Klaus decided to leave me a babysitter.” I told him whilst motioning to Kol with my thumb.

Elijah nodded, understanding. “Klaus. Always the overprotective best friend.” He smirked. “You have no idea” I sighed.

I decided to let Kol and Elijah talk. Getting bored in a matter of minutes, I rested my head on Kol’s shoulder and scanned the grill again.

Someone who was sat at the bar caught my attention.

Taking my head off Kol’s shoulder, I sat up straighter to get a better look. Long wavy black hair, bright clothes…

It was the crazy lady.

I nudged Kol, my eyes still on the lady, making him look at me with a questioning gaze. “What’s up?” He asked. To answer his by slowly pointing towards the bar.

“No way.” He grinned. I returned his grin. “Told you we’d find out.” I teased.

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