Why do I even care?

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I opened my mouth to gasp, but not a sound came out. I was too shocked to move, and couldn’t take my wide eyes from Jacksons bloodied body.

He was chained standing up to the wall, he had a rope around his neck so his head was lent against the it. His arms were chained behind his head and his legs were tied together.  I could see that where he was secured with rope, he had wounds due to vervain. His sandy blond hair was stained heavily with blood, just like his clothes. And I noticed that his shirt had holes in it, obviously from being staked in the stomach.

How did I not know about this?

I slowly reached for the handle to open the door but was stopped by a hand grabbing my own.

“I wouldn’t do that Verity.” Klaus.

“What the hell Is this?” I hissed, pointing towards Jackson.

“We couldn’t just let him loose where he could potentially harm you.” Klaus told me as if It was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Who is ‘we’?” I knew that he and Damon were the ones behind this but I had to make sure.

“Me, Damon, Stefan, Kol and Bonnie.”

Bonnie?  What?

I angrily pulled my hand out of his grasp and placed it back onto the door handle.

“You didn’t need to torture him.” I whispered my gaze on Jackson.

“You actually still care?” I could hear the disbelief in Klaus’ voice.

I simply shrugged, not wanting to start this conversation with him right now. It’s too long and complicated.

Sighing quietly I opened the heavy door and stepped into the cold room.

Jackson’s head stayed facing the ground whilst he spoke. “Come to make be suffer more?”

I winced at the sound of his voice. It was dull and had no life to it; Broken.

“No.” I replied softly, making his head snap up at the sound of my voice.

“Verity” It came out more like a croak.

“Hey Jackson.” I smiled tightly, and to my surprise I could feel tears in my eyes.

I looked behind me to see Klaus was still stood at the door, silently watching.  But I didn’t care, I was so angry at him.  I was angry at all of them.

I slowly walked towards Jackson, so I was in touching distance of him. Hesitantly I raised a shaky hand and grazed it over his cheek.

I didn’t say anything. I just squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, feeling like crying.

Why am I upset? After everything he did to me. I shouldn’t care.

But I did. As much as I hated him. I loved him once. I didn’t want to see him like this.

Looking back to where Klaus was standing, I found that he had gone and my mind went into overdrive.

Making up my mind, I quickly pulled the chains which were keeping Jackson secured to the wall out of it. I was just about to start on the horrible vervain soaked rope when I felt myself being slammed against the wall.

“What are you doing!” Damon shouted at me angrily.

“The question is. What are you doing?” I didn’t even raise my voice. Damon has always hated it when I use my calm voice when I’m supposed to be angry. He thinks I’m about to explode.

“Making sure he behaves!”

“I don’t think Jacksons going to harm me Damon.”  Was all I said.

He stayed quiet, making me continue.

“I want you to let him go.” I whispered, my eyes travelling back to Jackson; who was looking at the ground.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why? Why not?” I demanded, my voice getting a little louder.



“Because Bonnie did something for us.” He muttered, actually looking quite ashamed.

“What? What did she do Damon?”

“A spell.”

“What sort of spell?” I asked, getting impatient.

“He’s going to die Verity! Ok? He’s going to die! And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it! Bonnie found the spell. We asked her to look for a vampire detaining one and she found this. It makes him feel like his insides are being burnt. And eventually he will die. There is no cure.”

He came straight out with it. No lead up, no warning, nothing. Just the horrible truth.

It made me feel sick.

“W-why did Bonnie help you do something like this?”

“Because it was for you.”

“Don’t! This wasn’t for me! I didn’t want this! This is for you Damon. You just want your own revenge.”

He looked taken aback.

I heard a bunch off shuffling coming from the door way and looked over to see Stefan, Kol and Klaus.

I quickly looked away, I hated them right now.

They were making Jackson suffer. He was going to die no matter what. He was going to die so painfully.

I looked towards  the other side of the room, there were a bunch of stakes on the floor.

My gaze wandered to Jackson, who was already looking at me.

I was surprised to see him nod slightly before wincing. He wanted me to?

Ignoring everybody else in the room, I walked over to the stakes and picked one up.

“Verity? What are you doing?” I heard Kol ask.

I didn’t answer, I just shot him a glance; not bothering to allow any emotion show on my face.

I had the urge to cry but held back the tears.

When I had reached Jackson again, I slowly lifted the stake so it was right next to his heart.

I felt the tears I had been holding in fall down my cheeks. Wiping most of them away, I leaned in and softly kissed Jacksons cheek; making him smile bravely. The smile I adored.

“I’m so sorry.” I whispered, before driving the stake into his heart.

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