A 'Special' guest.

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After waking up the nextmorning, it took me a minute to take in my situation.

Groaning I ran a hand through my messed up hair and looked around.

I was in Kol’s room.

Then I remembered


Looking to my right I noticed that Kol was still fast asleep...Lucky him.

“We’re home!” Ohhh no. This is not good. So not good. They cannot be back yet! I quickly looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand, only to find it was 2 in the afternoon. I hurriedly grabbed yesterday’s clothes slipping them on.

“Hello? Verity! Kol?” I could hear them walking around downstairs. Jumping back onto the bed I nudged Kol trying to wake him up. “Kol!” I whisper shouted. Kol’s eyes snapped open and immediately met my own “Get your ass up! Their back.” His eyes which previously held tiredness widened with realization.

Climbing off the the bed I ran to the top of the stairs. “I’ll just be a second; I just got out of the shower!” I heard a bunch of ‘ok’s’ before running towards my room and getting changed. [polyvore]

I ran through the house and down the stairs like a lunatic. Once I had reached the living room the first person I noticed was a smiling Damon. “Daaamoonn!” Smiling widely I ran and jumped on him, almost knocking him over.

“Hey Eri.” He laughed, gently settling me onto the ground. I inhaled his musky scent, the scent that was so familiar. Finally letting go, I looked over to Stefan with a cheeky grin.

“Hello…Stefanie. He playfully glared at me while I skipped over to him and pulled him into a big hug.

“I missed you baby bro.” I chuckled. “I missed you too, but we both know who’s more mature.” He teased right back.

Last but definitely not least; Klaus. We both stood still for a moment simply grinning at each other, before I ran and jumped on him like I did with Damon. “Klaus!” I grinned at him. “Munchkin.”

I pulled away and crossed my arms. “Do not call me that.” I mocked seriousness, but then started to snicker.

“Sooo, anything new? Exciting?” Damon asked Kol and I as we all sat on the sofa. We both replied at the same time. “Yep.” All three of them raised an eyebrow and waited for us to continue.

“Well, we had a special guest.” I started but was cut off by Kol. “Yeah...Special.” He scoffed. He sounded jealous. I simply rolled my eyes and carried on. “Jackson Pierce decided to pay us a visit.”

Their reactions looked mixed. Stefan looked like he wanted to pack me safely into a box and send me to china. Damon looked angry...Like really angry. And everything about Klaus looked calm, except his eyes. His eyes were kind of scary.

He knew all about Jackson. And the day I told him let’s just say he was a little bit angry.

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