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“Eri? Can we go? I’m bored.” Whined Damon as we walked up a street named ‘Via Dante’ in Italy.

“I thought you loved Italy?” I frowned at him.

He mocked my frown before replying. “I do, but I don’t love wandering around it for hours.”

“Fine. Where would you like to go Damon?”                     

“Let’s go to a bar shall we?” he may have said it like a question, but we both knew that I had no other choice.

“Ok.” I started slowly. “But first can we go see this?” I finished off, pointing to a picture on the brochure in my hand.

It was an old well, and it was believed by the locals that it was magic. Even though it was probably just a normal well. I still wanted to visit it.

Damon sighed dramatically.

“Verity!” He whined, dragging my name out.

“Please?” I pouted, doing the same.

He frowned at me for a moment before his shoulders sagged.

“Fine. But you owe me.”

“Of course I do.” I laughed, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.


I was snapped out of image of the last thing I remember by Stefan saying my name from the sofa opposite my own.


“You don’t remember anything since then?” He asked.


“Not even glimpses?” Asked the man I recently learned was called Kol.

“No.” I sighed.

“Does your head hurt?" Asked the other stranger. Who I also found out was called Klaus.

Apparently he was my best friend.

“No.” I shook my head and played with my fingers.

I caught sight if a shiny ring on my wedding finger and gasped.

I quickly pulled it off and put it in the middle of the table.

I stared at it, breathing heavily.

I glanced around to see Kol slowly looking up from it and to me with what looked like a pained expression.

The door suddenly opened, breaking the awkward silence.


The person who had burst through the door stopped short when she caught sight of us all.

It was Katherine.

I shot up into standing position and glared at her.

“Verity! It’s ok!” Stefan shouted, looking alarmed.

“What is ok about her?” I spat, still glaring at Katherine. Who looked scared and a little confused.

“That’s not Katherine Eri.” Damon stated.

“What are you talking about? Of course she’s- Oh no. Not a freaking doppelganger!”

I heard Kol and Klaus chuckle from there seat.

“Yes Verity. This is Elena. She is nothing like Katherine.” Stefan reasoned.

I let out a humourless laugh.

“Yeah, ok. Have you seen the way she if eyeing both of you?” I looked at the doppelganger with distaste clear in my eyes. “She’s a lot more like Katherine than you think.”

“Where is Katherine anyway?” I tore my eyes away from Elena and I wandered around the room, looking at the old photos.

“Well. You kind of…Killed her.” Damon told me hesitantly.

His words took me off guard and I instantly froze and spun around.

“What? Why?”

He suddenly looked uneasy. “Because…Because-“

“Because you also killed Jackson.” Stefan came right out with it.

I simply stared at them.

“Are you joking right now?” I practically croaked.

“No. Look Verity, you didn’t do it out of spite. You did it because he was in-“ Damon started.

“No. Stop. I just need to be alone for a while. I’m going to take a shower.” I started to walk towards the stairs without another word to them.


Kol’s voice made me pause with my back still facing them.

“I am going to do whatever it takes to make you remember.” He stated.

He sounded so sure of himself. So determined.

Well good look with that. I thought as I carried on walking. 

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now