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Today I've decided to go to the Mikaelsons. I need Klaus and Kol to know I'm no longer angry with them. Of course I've still got that feeling of betrayal deep in me, but that will disappear with time.

So after taking a shower and getting dressed, I walked down stairs wondering if Stefan was still mad at me for making his bedroom look like a five year old girls.

"Hey Stefan." I smiled sweetly as I sat down next to him. He looked over at me with a frown, but his expression soon softened when he saw my puppy dog eyes.

He smiled back before picking up his journal and informing me he was going to hunt.

"Tell Bambi I said hi!" I yelled as he walked out the door. Chuckling at my own joke, I stood up myself and walked out to my car.


I knocked on Mikaelsons front door feeling self-assured. But all that self-assurance ran away when the door opened to reveal the only person, who have ever made me feel weak in the knee's.

Kol stared back at me. I knew he thought he was masking his emotions. But I could see right through him. Just a week alone with him and I knew things about him it takes decades to find out.

I knew his fears, his weaknesses, I knew how to get under his skin, how to make him smile;

And I knew the real him.

"You've finally left your house?" He asked, as he moved out of the way and gestured for me to enter, his voice slightly shaky which made me mentally raise an eyebrow.

I simply shrugged, "I figured I would have to get over it sometime, why not now?" I asked, walking in my heels making a slight sound on the marble flooring.

Kol turned to face me, not replying. He just stared at me, no words said.


In a blink of an eye; Kol was in front of me and his lips were on my own, making my knee's feel weak.

I instantly kissed back, totally forgetting about why I came here in the first place.

The kiss was hungry, and we both knew it was a long time coming.

Without breaking apart, Kol somehow managed to push us backwards, so I know felt my back against a wall.

I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip lightly, asking for entrance; when an awkward cough interrupted us.

"Well, well well. What do we have here?" Klaus looked pretty pleased with himself, that was for sure.

"What do you want Klaus?" Kol growled, obviously annoyed that he's interrupted us.

"Oh, nothing. But I have to say, it's not every day you innocently walk down your stairs to see your best friend and your younger brother doing.....that." He chuckled at the end.

"But I was hoping that Verity would join me at the grill?" He looked at me with those eyes which said 'Even if you don't agree, I will chain you up and drag you there myself.

"Ok." I shrugged, before picking up my bag which I had dropped before.

"I'm coming too." Kol stated.

"The more the merrier." Klaus smirked knowingly.

As I walked past them both towards the door, I glanced at Kol to see he was already staring at me.

Quickly looking away I took out my car keys and pressed the button to unlock the door.

I got into the driver's seat, Klaus in the passenger and Kol behind me. The Joy.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now