The man that can only be described as evil.

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“Ermm, thank you?” Was my reply. Which came out more like a question. But Kol just chuckled and shook his head. “You really need to learn how to take a compliment.”

That night.  

I was running.


I had no idea.

All I knew was I needed to get away.

Away from the monster who was behind me.

The chase was his faviroute part.

The branches from the trees were cutting me.

However at that moment I didn’t care.

Staying alive was my top priority.

Where were my brothers?

I kept tripping over my long dress.

I knew I didn’t have a chance.

But I wasn’t going down without a fight.

Why was he doing this?

He told me he loved me.

Do you really do this to people you love?

I could no longer hear any movement behind me.

I stopped.

That was my big mistake.

Faster than I could blink,

I was thrown up against the nearest tree.

And was held there by my shoulders.

I tried to get out of his grasp.

But then he bit me.

Yes, he bit me.

I tried to scream.

But not a sound came out of my mouth.

I could feel my life slowly wearing away.

Until everything turned black.

It was that night,

That moment.

I was turned into a vampire by a man,

Who could only be described as evil.

Jackson Pierce.

I shot up breathing heavily. Quickly I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I was in my bedroom.

It was just a dream. Just a terrifying dream. A terrifying memory.

I put a hand over my mouth to try to stifle the small whimper which left my mouth.

But In less than 2 seconds Kol was stood by my bed, teeth bared, in total attack mode.

After looking around my room and making sure we were alone, his face changed back to normal.

Sitting on my bed he looked at me with a frown planted upon his face.

“Nightmare?” He asked. I was shocked that his voice actually held a caring tone. I simply nodded.

“I’m ok.” I replied. But couldn’t help the tear that fell down my cheek. Kol moved closer to me and carefully wiped it away with his thumb. “We both know that you’re not ok, sweetheart. Do you want to talk about it?”

I quickly shook my head. No way was I reliving that night again.

With a nod of the head he stood up and moved round to the other side of my bed and lying beside me, pulling me to him.

I immediately relaxed. I somehow felt safe in his arms, like nothing bad could happen.

Because he was there.

“Get some sleep Verity; I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He whispered softly.

And with that I fell into a nightmare- free sleep.

Hi! Thanks for reading. I'm sorry it took so long to update. Jackson Pierce, huh? Ohhhh what could that mean?

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