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I was sat on my bed reading when I heard a noise from downstairs. Any other time I would have ignored it and shrugged it off. Except Kol was with Elijah and the house was supposed to be empty.

I slowly got off my bed and walked into the hallway. “Kol?” No answer. I carried on walking through the house until I reached the stairs. Once I had gotten to the bottom of them I warily walked into the living room. “Kol? This isn’t funny you know.” Still no answer.

Walking over to the already lit fireplace, I noticed a half empty glass of scotch on the table. Quickly turning around I scanned the room with a predatory look in my eye. I was suddenly knocked off my feet landing on my back. I shot back up and grabbed the poker from the fireplace. There was another rush of air and I was once again knocked onto my back. But this time I had a stake lodged into my abdomen.

Letting out a small cry pain, I carefully pulled the stake out of my stomach, shakily dropping it to the ground. lifting myself off the ground, I prepared for another blow. But none came.


The sound of my phone startled me making me squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. I took my phone out of my pocket and answered it.


“Verity, its Kol. What’s happened?”

“W-what do you mean what’s happened? I’m fine, just reading.”

“Oh, I just got this feeling that’s all.”

“A feeling?”

“Yeah,” He trailed off. “Anyway, are you sure you’re ok?”

“I’m perfectly fine, Ermm I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you later.”

I don’t know what possessed me to do such a thing, but I hung up on him before he could get another word in. In a situation like this, where I could potentially die. I decided to let my stubbornness take over. Idiot. I have always hated asking for help. With anything. Even the smallest things, like; folding my clothes.

When I was younger I never let our maids help me with anything, I always did it myself.

Setting down my phone I carefully pulled up my shirt a small bit to inspect my bloodied up stomach. Luckily it had healed.

Whoever had done this, I had a feeling was still in the house. Because I don’t think anybody would randomly turn up at my house; Stake me, then simply leave. No. This person wanted something, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted me dead for some unknown reason.

My inner brainstorm was interrupted by yet another blow. Except this time I didn’t hit the floor I hit the wall and was kept there my something.

It was at that moment when I had a sense of deja-vu.

“Well isn’t this an extremely pleasant surprise. How are you my princess?”

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now