Crazy lady.

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3 hours and 12 more drinks later Kol and I were getting ready to leave.

I was feeling a little light headed, but other than that I was fine. We were walking towards my car and somehow Kol’s arm had managed to find its way around my waist. But instead of removing it I just ignored it, too dizzy to care.

“You know Verity, you are very interesting. In fact-“ Kol was about to continue however he was interrupted by a weird looking women. “Oh lord. It’s happened! It’s actually happened! They have been acquainted!”

The women looked to be in her fifties, her long black hair cascaded in small waves down her back, She was slightly tan and had a small mole on her left cheek. She was dressed in a long skirt which was brightly coloured along with a loose fitting white shirt which had red beads along the collar.

Let’s just say the way she way shouting, she looked like a crazy person.

Kol and I slowly looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “Ok, is this real or did you spike my drink?” I asked him pointing towards the crazy women. He simply shook his head and replied “Nope, because I’m pretty sure I can see her too.”

I frowned but looked back towards the still yelling women, who were now spinning in circles with her arms in the air. “Ermm, hello. Are you ok?” I asked. Kol grabbed my arm again pulling me back towards him.

“Laudate dominum! Magnifica erit!” Huh?

“Is that Latin?” I asked Kol. He shrugged. “I think so.”

Slowly I began to walk towards the women and tapped her on the shoulder.

This would have been ok if, as soon as she turned to face me she didn’t start screaming like a banshee.

“Hey.” I tried to calm her down, but she carried on screaming. Kol quickly walked over to me, put and arm around me and started guiding me towards my car. “Come on. Better go.” Was all he said whilst speed walking.

Once getting in the car and driving to the boarding house, I quickly walked upstairs and got changed into something more comfy.

When I got back downstairs I found Kol sat on one of the sofa’s deep in thought. “Do you know what the heck that was?” I asked him with a raised eyebrow. “Nope, do you?” He replied.

“No, but I’m not gonna stop until I find out.” I stated. Kol chuckled. “Typical Salvatore.”

He then stopped laughing to himself and turned to face me fully. “Do you think she was talking about us?” He asked, I frowned. “I don’t know, maybe. What was she saying again? When she was actually speaking English.”

He thought for a moment before replying. “I think she said ‘They have been acquainted!’” He told me whilst failing at impersonating the mad women. But still I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“Do you think she was just being crazy and was talking gibberish?” I asked him.

“Maybe. We’ll just have to find out then won’t we?” He smiled.

Laudate dominum! Magnifica erit! = Praise the lord! Magnificent things will happen!

Ello there! Thanks for reading! In case you were wondering, the lady is there for a reason. You'll find out soon! Tata Jellybeans!

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