Chapter One

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Eternal life may have it's up sides. But it defiantly has its down sides. For example:


And due to this terrible downfall. I had resulted to reading Stefan's diary.

It's deep, depressing and tremendously amusing.

I was halfway through a laughing fit over some of the big words Stefan was using, when Damon came into the living room with an amused smirk.

"Ok, what now... Is that Stefan's diary?" He asked sounding like a proud mother.

"Why yes it is, and it seems that our baby brother is somewhat deep."

"Well as much as I'd love to stay and read all of the lovely depressing thoughts with you, I have to pack." Damon told me whilst walking out of the room. "OK..." I muttered, not really paying much attention. So it took me about 30 seconds to register the fact he just said 'Pack'.

I quickly got up from where I was sitting and strolled up to Damon's bedroom. "What do you mean pack? Where are you going?" I asked him as I sat down on his bed, crossing my legs underneath me.

"Stefan and I are going on a small trip with Klaus." He said it in that 'duh' tone which made me want to run him over with a train. But I simply rolled my eyes and picked up a shirt out of his suitcase. It was pink. Pink. I eyed it strangely, before it was snatched out of my hand by the owner.

"Why are you going on a trip with Klaus?" I asked confused. They hated each other. I'm pretty sure if they were given the choice they would glare each other to death.

"Well Klaus thinks there is another way to make hybrids without using Elena's blood so we're going to help him" He told me.

I nodded my head slowly. "O-k so how long will you be gone?" Damon walked over to his draws and took out some more clothes. "About a week."

I just shrugged like it was no big deal but inside I knew I was going to be worried about them, even if it was just a week.

Of course Damon being Damon could see right through my act.

He sat next to be and pulled me to him. I gladly obliged, resting my head on his shoulder. "You know if you could come with us I wouldn't give it a second thought, bu-" He was about to continue but was interrupted by Stefan walking into the room with a book in his hand...His diary, woops.

"But you can't come. It's too dangerous." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You are younger than me, Stefan."

He just shrugged and carried on. "So you are staying here."

"All by myself?" I put on a fake hurt face...Might as well try the guilt trip.

"No, Klaus has seen to that." He frowned when he said this. Like he wasn't happy with it himself.

"Actually that reminds me. I need to talk to Klaus." I stated. Damon looked at me knowingly. "Why so you can try the guilt trip on him too?"

I feigned innocent. "Of course not...It's just easier to persuade him." I muttered the last part.

"Well you're in luck. He's coming over in 20 minutes. And If I ever find out you've read my diary again, I will have to get even, both of you." He warned Damon and I.

"Ooooh we're scared." Be both said in unison. Stefan just sighed and walked out of the room.

Leaving a snickering me and Damon behind.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it!

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown

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