"Someone took an extra dose of crazy this morning."

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Is she kidding me?

Soul mates?

Are they even real?

I looked over at Kol to see he was already looking at me. I frowned and sent him a look which clearly showed what I was thinking ‘someone took an extra dose of crazy this morning’. But he just gulped and turned back to Lucinda.

“I have but…What’s that got to do with us?” He asked her, whilst gesturing between us. Lucinda just smiled and replied. “You know dear, for someone over 1000 years old you aren’t very bright.”

We looked at her with wide eyes. “Y-you know about us?” I asked her shocked. She chuckled lightly and nodded. “Of course. The secret has been passed through my family for hundreds of years.” I nodded slowly and looked at Kol who was about to ask another question.

“So why is it that I’m not bright, I’ll have you know that I’m quite intelligent.” I began to laugh slightly, making him look at me with narrowed eyes.

“Oh don’t give me that look, we both know that your IQ is as if you fell out of your family tree and hit your head.” I teased.

“Don’t get me started on family tree’s Verity. Your family is reasonably dim as it is.”

Oh, hell no.

“Excuse me? Do you really have to bring my brothers into this? They have nothing to do with it.” I practically growled.

I heard a bunch I chuckling and looked over to Lucinda and Caleb. They were watching us, and apparently enjoying our bickering.

I huffed and scooted my chair away from Kol’s a little. When he noticed this he frowned and rolled his eyes, muttering what sounded like ‘Immature’ under his breath.

“Well, if you’re both done I will elaborate on what I was saying.” Lucinda grumbled emphasizing the ‘was’.

Me and Kol both sat waiting for her to continue.

“What I’m saying is you two are soul mates.” Well talk about getting right to the point.

“Wait hold on a minute we’re not soulma-“ I was cut off by her interrupting.

“Honey don’t try to deny what’s meant to be. My grandmother showed me things you could never even imagine. She taught me how to recognise certain things. See them the way they are. To see things other human beings are too caught up in life to see. Magic, supernatural, destiny.”

I let out a nervous laugh and looked anywhere but at Kol.

“Are you a witch?” I asked. The thought had being playing on my mind since she had started talking. But I hadn’t had the chance to ask until now.

“Oh no dear, I’m a wicken. Witches are born naturally with magic. We wickens simply conjure energy from the four elements. Earth, air, water and fire. We like to think of ourselves as healers.”

I had heard of wickens before. But had never come across one.

Out of the blue Kol spoke for the first time since she had told us what she ‘Knew’.

“We better get going, Elijah is waiting for us.” He told me, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and said goodbye to Lucinda and Caleb, before following Kol.

Once we reached our table Elijah was looking at us with an interested expression, he had obviously been listening in on our conversation.

“Well this is interesting.” Elijah muttered as we headed out of the doors.

“I don’t know whether or not to believe her.” I told him. “I do.” I heard Kol mumble from beside me.

“What did you say?” Elijah asked him, even though I’m pretty sure he heard him clearly.

“I said. I-It doesn’t matter.” He looked like he was having an inner argument, so I left him to it.

Once we had reached the boarding house I flopped onto the sofa and put a pillow over my head. Elijah had left in his own car, which concluded in a very awkward car ride with Kol.

“Am I the only one who thinks that Lucinda was talking wack.” I asked him as he sat down next to me, lifting my legs and putting them on his lap. He didn’t answer; he was simply staring into space with a weird expression on his face.

I quickly sat up and hit his with the pillow I was currently holding. “Snap out of it Kolwala bear. I asked you a question.”

Kol blinked and looked at me, confused. “Um, what was the question? “ I rolled my eyes.

“Do you think that Lucinda was telling the truth?” Kol stared at me for a second as if searching my eyes for something.

He frowned but quickly covered it up with a short laugh. “No, of course not. Like you said she’s just a crazy lady.” I simply nodded and laid back down.

But even though I had said I didn’t believe her…. I still couldn’t shake off the feeling in my stomach.

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