The Kol I dislike.

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“You’re crazy.” I told him whilst rolling my eyes.

“I’m crazy for loving you or just in general?” He smirked.

I have a humourless laugh and glared at him. “If you love me then why the hell did you just stake me?” He pursed his lips together looked at the bloody mark on my shirt.

“I’m sorry princess; you know I’ve always been one for dramatics.” Even though he said it sincerely, there was still the slightest bit of sarcasm in it.

I carried on glaring at him. Slowly walking around him and over to the fireplace picking up the stake. I twirled it in my hand for a minute before speeding over to him and stabbing it into his stomach, like he had done to me.

He doubled over slightly whilst I still hand hold of the stake. It took this to my advantage and whispered in his ear. “I’m not innocent little Verity anymore, don’t mess with me.” I slightly twisted the stake before letting go and walking over to one of the sofas and sitting down.

Jackson fell to the floor resting on one knee. He looked up at me through his eyelashes, grinning cheekily. “You’ve gotten feistier…..I love it.”

I sighed in frustration before hearing the open and close. “Verity?” I heard Kol shout.

I felt my eyes widen whilst looking over to Jackson. I gave him the ‘Your so screwed look’ But he simply smirked and looked over to the steps Kol was about you walk down.

Is he crazy? He actually wants to be in the same room as Kol? Whatever.

When Kol walked into the room the first thing he did was stare at Jackson with a deadly look in his eye. “Who are you?” he asked in a calm voice, but I could hear the strain behind it.

“Oh, but you already know that. Don’t you?” Jackson asked with his famous cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair, whilst muttering the word ‘Idiot’ under my breathe. But he definitely heard it, as he winked at me.

I saw something in Kol’s eyes change. Here comes the Kol I dislike.

He slowly walked further into the room and pointed towards Jackson with a knowing look. “Jackson Pierce right? The jackass, who compelled lovely Verity here, drank from her and then killed her. The one that after doing so thought it wouldn’t be incredibly dangerous, not to mention stupid to pay a little visit.”

The thing that irked me is that Jacksons grin stayed in place never faltering.

“That would be me. Naughty, evil Jackson.” He pretended to scold himself my hitting his arm.

He paused for a second before continuing. “And you must be Kol Mikaelson. The original whom is here to take care of Verity. But you couldn’t even do that could you?” He stopped and pointed towards the blood stain on my shirt, making Kol’s eyes widen slightly before continuing. “The one who wants nothing more than to kill me. Am I right?”

In a matter of seconds Kol had sped over to Jackson and taken him by the throat. “That would be spot on” He glared.

Jackson just smirked before quickly lifting his arms and snapping Kol’s neck, making him drop to the ground.

I stared a Kol’s body on shock, before looking back up at Jackson. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“I’m afraid not, see you soon princess.” He grinned before sending me a wink and speeding off.

I sat next to Kol and put his head in my lap. “What is it with people snapping your neck?” I asked knowing he couldn’t hear me.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now