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“Go speak to her!” I whisper shouted at Kol.

“No. You go speak to her!” He whispered back.

“No you.”

“No you”





Whilst we were arguing Elijah was watching us with an amused expression. “Ok, what’s going on? Are you planning on kidnapping that old woman?” He asked jokingly.

Both Kol and I turned to him slowly with narrowed eyes. “No. We want to know why she went all crazy on us last night.” Elijah still looked confused, so I decided to elaborate.

“Last night when we were leaving here, we bumped into that old lady. She was saying things like ‘They have been acquainted!’ And then started to babble things in a different language.”

Elijah frowned but shrugged. Kol looked back at me, “I’ll go speak to her.” I whacked him round the head earning a glare. “What was that for?” he whined. “A minute ago you were telling me to go talk to her!” I said whilst rolling my eyes.

“Yes. But that was before I remembered that last time she saw your face she started screaming!” He shot back. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” I asked, mock offended. “No! That’s not what I meant-God.” Kol rolled his eyes and stood up.

“We’ll both go.” He told me whilst grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. I sent a ‘Help me!’ Look back to Elijah. But he simply chuckled and leant back in his chair. “Traitor” I mouthed to him.

Once me and Kol had reached the lady, he tapped her on the shoulder making her turn around.

I was half expecting her to start going crazy again but she actually looked quite normal, well… If you ignore the huge grin on her face, then she looks pretty normal. I noticed she was with a man who looked to be about the same age as she.

I decided to speak first. “Ermm, hi.” Kol looked at me weirdly, but I chose to ignore him. “Oh hello dear, what’s your name?” she asked. I swear this women’s bi-polar. “I’m verity, and this is Kol” I told her gesturing to Kol who was looking at the warily. “No need to fret honey, I’m harmless.” She told him. Kol frowned but shrugged it off. “My name is Lucinda and this is my husband; Caleb.”

I smiled at them both and was about to speak but was interrupted by the man. “Well aren’t you pretty dear.” I felt Kol’s grip on my hand tighten a little bit. Caleb then looked at Kol and carried on. “Don’t let this one get away. She’s a keeper.” He added a wink and a nod at the end for effect.

“Oh no, we’re not together.” I laughed nervously. He looked at us, shock planted upon his face. “What? No.” I began to feel a bit awkward, so I turned my attention towards Lucinda, who was looking at me understandingly.

“Enough dear, I think Verity here has a question to ask.” She scolded her husband.

“We were wondering if you could tell us what you were talking about last night?” I asked her with a warm smile. If possible her grin grew wider whilst she nodded frantically. “Of course I can.” She gestured for us to sit down. Once we were seated she looked at us for a moment before asking;

“Have you ever heard of Soul mates?”

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now