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Look out your window.

What do you see?

You don’t see me.

I poured myself another drink, without stopping dancing. I had drunk a little bit.

Ok, a lot.

You’re a pretty little flower.

I’m a busy little bee.

Honey that’s all you need to see.


I can take you for an hour.

But then I’m gunna leave.

Honey I know you’ll wait for me.

Drinking helps me stay calm. Another reason as to why I’m so like Damon. We both like alcohol.

La da da da da.


The music was suddenly cut off, making me stop and glare at the idiot who had ruined my fun.

Or should I say idiots.

“Eri, how long are you going to keep a grudge? You’ve been like this for two days. You need to stop drinking and talk to us.” Damon demanded, making Klaus, Kol and Stefan nod In agreement.

It would have been ok for him if I was actually listening to what he was saying. But I was too busy wondering why the hell they were all here.

“Is this some kind of convention? ” I raised an eyebrow.

“Finally she’s-“

“Because conventions are stupid. And so are you if you think I’m going to listen to a thing any of you are saying, let alone do anything you want me to.” I sassed, interrupting Stefan.

“Well at least she spoke to us. That’s the only thing she’s said to us in two day’s besides; ‘Go away,’ ‘I hate you’ And ‘Why don’t you accidently walk into a stake.” Klaus sighed, but then continued. “Which I don’t get. Because Kol and I are originals. Normal stakes don’t kill us, bu-“

He then stopped talking when he saw my facial expression.

“Well” He started dragging the word out, before saying really quickly. “OkSheSpokeBetterGoNowByeVerityHaveANiceDayLove.”

“Wait.” I was shocked to hear Kol speak. I haven’t heard him say anything in the past two days.

Klaus stopped and slowly turned around.

“You need to listen to us.” Kol stepped towards me. “We did it because we thought it was what’s best for you. We didn’t know how you felt. We shouldn’t have persuaded Bonnie to cast that spell. We know that. We made a big mistake, and we’re sorry. You just need to understand, we did it because we love you.”

My blank facial expression didn’t change.

But in my mind I was bursting into tears and attacking Kol with a hug. But I couldn’t do that.

I hate my stubbornness.

I hate that I got it from Damon.

Because sometimes it sucks.

“It’s no use Kol. She’s just like Damon when she’s feels Sad, depressed, or angry. They’re both incredibly stubborn and drink away their feelings. She’ll come around soon.” Stefan told him.

Kol looked at me for a moment before letting out a breath he seemed to be holding and storming out of the house.

Wow, I’m such a bitch.

I glared at Damon. It was his fault I was like this. Which he noticed, obviously.

“Hey. Don’t glare me. It’s not my fault you took after me and not St. Stefan over there.” He said, holding up his hands in surrender.


I was in my room, lying on my bed with feet against the wall at the top of it when there was a knock at my door.

“Thanks for visiting the bedroom of Verity Salvatore, but unfortunately she does not want to talk to you right now. If you’d like to leave a messa- In fact don’t leave a message, I probably hate you anyway.”

“You really hate me? I’m hurt Ver, really.” I heard a familiar voice chuckle as they came in anyway.

“Jeremy!” I liked Jeremy. He was really nice. And surprisingly he didn’t annoy me like he did Damon.

I sat up from my bed and gave him a hug. After he had sat down next to me, he studied my face before speaking quietly.

“I’m really sorry about your friend Verity. If I’d known about it I would of done everything in my power to stop it. But I didn’t know about it and I’m sorry.” He frowned.

I playfully hit his shoulder. “You don’t need to be sorry silly! And besides, he wasn’t my friend.” I looked away and took in a deep breath. “Just an old acquaintance.” I finished letting it out.

Jeremy looked like he wanted to say more, because he obviously didn’t believe me. But being the lovely person he is, he let it go and changed the subject.


Jeremy had left about half an hour ago. We had been talking for about an hour. But right now I was bored. And when I’m bored……Bad things happen.

Like now for instance. At the minute I’m carrying cans of pink paint up to Stefan’s room for some pranking.

Chuckling and muttering to myself, I set them all down and put up the step ladder.

20 minutes later I was mentally evilly laughing and doing that weird thing with my hands that Mr Burns from the Simpsons does.

I looked around my younger brothers bedroom and started to laugh.


My emotions are seriously messed up.

All I had to do now was the ceiling.


I was laid on the sofa and Damon who was sat across from me whilst was waiting for Stefan to come home.

When he finally came home and headed towards the stairs, I chuckled to myself making Damon look at me questionably. I gestured for him to wait a minute and pointed above us, which was Stefan’s room.



“What the hell!”

I started to laugh so hard I fell off the sofa.

Damon still looking confused, but slightly amused walked up the stairs before I heard him laughing too.

I then heard stomping down the stairs, followed by Stefan walking into the room with a still laughing Damon behind him.

“Why in the world did you paint my whole room, including the ceiling pink Verity?” He demanded sounding super angry.

“I was bored. Sorry Stefanie.” I shrugged, making Damon laugh harder.

Stefan just rolled his eyes and stomped back upstairs.

I chuckled along with Damon before announcing I was going to bed.

“I have way to much free time.” I muttered as I trudged up to my room, leaving a still chuckling Damon behind. 

Hi! By the way, the song Verity was dancing to, is called The Bee keepers daughter, by All Americam Rejects. It's on the side --> 

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