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"J-Jackson?" I asked beyond shocked. He simply smirked and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"The one and only darling." He whispered looking me in the eyes. I quickly moved away from him, to the middle of the room. He looked at me for a second but then tilted his hear to the side.

"You're afraid of me" He stated, the tone of his voice was a mix between; curiosity and hurt.

"You can't be here." I told him running a hand through my dark hair.

He hadn't changed a bit, obviously. He looks nothing like his sister; Katherine. With his sandy blond hair and his sky blue eyes which always exposed his emotions, whether he liked it or not. His smile used to be my faviroute though. His smile which displays his boyish dimples.

He looked at me intently but stayed silent. "Why are you here?" I asked him biting my lip. A slow smile embedded it's self on his lips. But the thing that shocked me was that it was a real smile.

"I wanted to come see how my princess is doing." But as if he remembered something his smile slowly turned into a frown. He looked down for a few seconds before looking me in the eye, his frown still firmly in place. "But I have to say" His voice was emotionless. "I'm not ecstatic about your bond with a certain original."

I felt my eyes widen at his words. "You've been watching me?" I asked him in astonishment."Of course I have my beauty, you don't really think that I would let you wander this treacherous planet without protection, do you?"

"I've been with Damon." Jackson looked up at the ceiling, put his hands over his eyes and laughed. "Yep a lot of help that is." He told me sarcastically.

Ignoring his remark, I asked; "How long have you been watching me?" He slowly walked forward slightly, which made me take a step back.

"You don't have to be afraid of me Verity." He told me in a serious tone, his facial expression intent. "Please...Just answer the question." My throat felt dry and I could feel myself developing a headache.

"I've been watching you for about 127 years. You know, it took me over 40 years finding you. You're very hard to track down, did you know that?" He asked with a small smile.

127 years? And I never knew? The one man that had haunted my dreams for over 150 years, he is the one man that I have been avoiding, only to find he's been watching me all along. I felt privately invaded.

"Yes, well it helps to be close to the original family." When I told him this I saw him flinch and clench his jaw.

"After all these years, why now? Why let yourself be known now?" I asked him. I could see him thinking over the answer. He knew exactly why. He swallowed hard before answering me.

"I couldn't just stand by and watch your heart being stolen away by another man.." He paused for a moment, before continuing.

"I'd rather die."

Hi! I am so sorry for the lack of updates. Stupid coursework gets in the way of everything. But I will be adding a lot of chapters in this update so..I hope you enjoy! <3

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now