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"Jereeeemmmmyy! " I grinned at the boy who was currently sat on the sofa fiddling with his phone. His head shot up at the sound of my voice, which held a grin that matched my own.

"Verity!" He stood up and shuffled over to where I was stood at the entrance to the living room. 5 minutes later we were both engaged in a conversation about Pokémon.

Yep, Pokémon….. What? I like it.

Soon enough Stefan, Damon and Elena came through the door, looking at us weirdly. But we merely ignored them and carried on.
Once finished we turned towards the other three people in the room who looked extremely confused because of what we were just talking about.

"Ok, then." Elena muttered with a small smile, before adding. "Sooo, verity. I thought you were normally with Klaus around this time of day?"

I snickered. "Klaus is currently busy….Cleaning." Elena looked slightly shocked at the aspect of Klaus cleaning. So I carried on. "He trashed the boarding house living room with a little help of Kol, so I made them clean it up."

"Wow, you are the first and probably last person I have ever known that could make ANY originals do, well. Anything."
I grinned at her. "Well that’s what you get for fighting." She looked confused so Damon decided to elaborate.

"Over what?" Elena raised an eyebrow. Stefan simply pointed towards me and was about to say something before my phone started to ring.
I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.


Klaus’ annoying voice spoke through the line. "Hello Verity."

"Oh, it’s you." I replied sound non-enthusiastically, causing Jeremy and Elena to look at me questionably.
I heard him sigh before continuing. "We’re finished." I simply nodded my head before remembering he couldn’t see me.

"Your nodding your head aren’t you?" Damn.

"No." Was all I said before hanging up. I gave the other 4 people In the room a warning glance, quickly hugging Jeremy and Elena before walking swiftly out the door and towards the car.

2 minutes later my brothers had joined me and we were on our way home.
Walking through the boarding house door, I knew I was going to have to make up with Klaus sooner or later.
would rather it be the latter; considering I was still angry at him. But me without Klaus is like Tom without jerry. Like Pooh without piglet. Like- yeah you get the point.

The first thing I noticed was that Klaus was sat at the table trying to glue my vase together.

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