Stubborn boy.

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“Or the time when we ‘borrowed’ fathers binoculars and dropped them in the lake.” I said laughing along quietly, not being able to move much due to pain.

Even though Damon was laughing too, I could see the worry in his eyes as he looked at my leg.

“Eri, I think it’s time we get back.” He told me, standing up. I simply nodded as he lifted me up making sure to be careful of my leg.

As soon as he moved me I started to feel faint, making my head fall onto his chest.

Damon’s POV

Verity suddenly became limp in my arms making me fasten my pace towards the boarding house.

When I finally got there I heard shouting form the living room.

“No! No, I will not calm down! Verity is out there, potentially dead! How can I calm down?”

“Kol. Damon knows what he’s doing.” Elijah’s soothing voice reasoned. When did he get here?

Kol let out a humourless laugh. “Well, that really reassures me Elijah.”

Getting quite ticked off I decided to let myself be known. I walked into the room only to see Stefan, Jeremy and all of the Mikaelson siblings. Except Finn of course…

I heard Kol take a sharp intake of breath at the sight of a very pale Verity in my arms. Klaus quickly moved over to me, bit his wrist and tried to get her to drink.

“Come on munchkin. Drink.” He spoke softly. I let out a sigh of relief when she finally began to consume Klaus’ blood; as did everyone else in the room.

I laid her down on the sofa and sat at her feet. Opening her familiar eyes Verity scanned the room looking confused.

“H-how did I get here?” She asked her quietly. 

“What do you remember last Ver?” Stefan asked from the fireplace. Turning her head so she could look at him, Verity spoke.

“I was with Damon in the tre- er woods.” She quickly composed herself, obviously not wanting anyone to know about our tree house.

“You blacked out when we was on our way back.” I told her, running a hand through my hair.

“Oh well, I feel much better now.” She said starting to sit up.

“Oh no you don’t. You need rest.” Kol’s distinct accent said from where he was sat on the arm of another chair.

Verity being verity simply rolled her eyes and continued getting up.

“I wasn’t joking Verity.” Kol said, his voice now firm.

“I’m perfectly fine Kol. You worry too much.”

“You don’t worry enough, you have just been b-“ Kol started but was cut off by Rebekah.

“Oh, please don’t have a couple fight whilst I’m in the room. I’m not in the mood.”

This made Verity narrow her eyes at her. “Shut it Rebekah.” I snapped.

I then turned to Jeremy; know ignoring Kol and Verity; who were simply glaring at each other in the middle of the room.

“What are you doing here?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I was worried.” He replied putting away his phone.

“Where’s Elena?”

“She doesn't know about any of this.” He stated surprising me.

“Gone behind you sisters back again huh?”

“She doesn't control me. No one does.” Stubborn boy.

I looked back towards Verity to see that she and Kol were no longer stood on the middle of the room glaring but were sat on the sofa. Verity was laid with her head in Kol’s lap; talking to Elijah and Rebekah, whilst Kol watched her as if he was a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.


He tends to do that a lot.

I noticed Stefan and Klaus also watching them with amazed looks on the faces. They both turned towards me with wide eyes.

“I guess quite a lot happened whilst we were away.” 

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