A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.

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"W-what?" Oh crap. Way to go verity. I mentally face palmed myself and felt like banging my head against the nearest wall.

I looked over at Kol to see he was sat smirking at me with an unidentified glint in his eyes.

I heard Klaus chuckle from beside me "Well, I thought that while we're gone, Kol here could keep you company." He gestured over to Kol who was now engrossed in 'Twilight' which he had taken from Klaus.

Klaus leaned in closer and whispered "And he has always wanted to meet you, he finds you enormously fascinating." Kol's head snapped up to glare at Klaus, but he made no protest.

"So it's settled. While we're gone Kol will make sure you don't accidently kill yourself." Klaus Teased earning a laugh from both Damon and Stefan.

"Wait so I will have to be with Kol 24-7?" I asked him. He answered with a simple nod.

"Well isn't this just going to be great" Kol winked at me. In a matter of 2 seconds, Damon was stood in front of Kol so their noses were almost touching, whilst glaring at him.

"If you dare touch her I will personally tie you to a post and make you eat your own insides." He growled. I had to stifle a laugh making Kol look at me and smile, before turning back to Damon losing the smile.

"I'd like to see you try." He then shrugged "And besides, you need to chill. I won't do anything Verity doesn't want me to." He added with another wink in my direction.

The next morning.

After showering and getting changed, I couldn't help but think about the way I reacted to Kol. He's cocky, arrogant and violent...but I'm drawn to him in so many ways.

Today my brothers and Klaus were leaving. So that means Kol will be coming over to 'keep me company'. Yeah right, more like pester me.

Last night when Klaus and Kol were leaving, Kol felt the need to annoy my brothers. Whilst saying goodbye he kissed my hand, making sure to keep eye contact. And he hugged me. Does he really hate my brothers that much?

By the look on Klaus' face you could tell he didn't think Kol didn't do it for just my brother's benefit. But for his own. Of course he's wrong though. Kol is nothing but a player, a player who likes to kill the women when he's done with them. And I won't be one of those women, I refuse. I will not fall for his irresistible charm, which makes my insides mel-No! It does not. It makes me want to gag. Right?

I was brought out of my inner argument by Stefan handing me a glass of blood, which I took with a smile. He returned the smile whilst sitting next to me. "Are you going to be ok here with Kol?" He asked me sounding worried. I swallowed the contents of the blood I currently had in my mouth before answering. "I'll be fine Stefan, you worry too much. Your only gone for a week, that's nothing baby bro." I found it sweet that, even though Stefan was 2 years younger than me. He treated me as if I was his baby sister.

He gave me a small smile before kissing my cheek and standing up. "I have to meet Klaus and Kol. I'll be back soon." He told me, which I replied with a nod.

"Verity!" I heard Damon shout me from upstairs. I looked at Stefan, "Gotta go, duty calls." I joked before speeding out of the room.

"Yes?" I asked Damon once I had reached his room. "I need you to be careful." I rolled my eyes. "Damon, you're away for a week, a week. Gosh, I just had this conversation with Stefan."

He held up his hands in surrender. "Fine ok, I was just checking. No need to get feisty." I raised an eyebrow. He raised his, mimicking me.

Walking over to his bed I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. Feathers scattered everywhere.

He growled playfully, "That was my faviroute pillow." I laughed. "You have a faviroute pillow? And they are silk. You know this adds up. The pink shirt, silk bedding...Are you gay?"

Seeing the look on his face I ran out of his room (Human speed) still laughing, totally unaware that 3 more vampires had just entered the boarding house. Running down the stairs I looked behind me to see Damon right on my heels.

Laughing almost hysterically I ran through the house, halfway through the living room, before stopping dead in my tracks making Damon knock into me nearly knocking me over when I noticed we had an audience watching us with extreme amusement. Stefan, Klaus and Kol.

"Err, hi there."

{Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think?}

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