Boxes, Busted and Big brothers.

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I sighed, letting my hands fall from the lock I was currently trying to pick.

“What are you doing?” Kol asked from the doorway.

“What’s it look like I’m Kolwala bear. I’m trying to open this trunk.”

“Which happens to belong to Klaus.” He

raised an eyebrow.

“Hey. Just because it was under his bed, doesn’t mean it’s his.” I told him, before placing it on the floor and attempting to pry it open.

“You’re so weird.” He chuckled, sitting on Klaus’ bed.


10 minutes later and I was throwing the trunk down the stairs.

“Verity!” I heard Elijah shout.


“What are you doing?” He asked picking it up and walking towards me.

“Baking a cake.” Was all I said, whilst taking it off him and walking into the kitchen where Rebekah was.

“Bekah. What’s this?” I  asked making her look up.

“I don’t know. Where did you get it?”

“Under Klaus’ bed.” I shrugged.

“What were you doing under Klaus’ bed?” She asked, earning another shrug from me.

“I was bored. Where is Klaus anyway?”

“Out with Damon.”



“Verity! Would you quit trying to get into that stupid thing and stop making so much noise.” Elijah exclaimed as I threw the box down the stairs for about the 100th time.

I sighed as I dramatically threw my hands in the air. I picked up the box and followed Elijah into the living room where Kol and Rebekah were.

I sat on the floor with my legs crossed, looking like a five year old. I began to shake the box in attempt to hear what was inside.

The front door suddenly opened and Klaus’ voice called out.


“In here.” Kol replied making me glare at him.

I started to run around the room with a huge trunk in my arms, freaking out.

Giving up on trying to find a place to hide it. I simply put it on the floor and sat on it.

“Hello Munchkin.” Klaus greeted me as he walked into the room.

“Oh, hey Klaus.” I grinned nervously, making Rebekah, Elijah and Kol chuckle.

I sent them all daggers, which they ignored.

Klaus sat down after getting a drink and his sketch pad, looking at me weirdly.

“What are you sat on?”

Goodbye world.

“Oh, you know. An object.” I chuckled nervously, trying to cover more of the box.

“What kind of object?”

“A wooden object?” I asked/said, my voice slightly higher.

“Verity! Have you been under my bed again?”


“What? Pfftt. No!”

He stood up and walked over to me and inspecting the box.

“You have.” He sighed before starting to laugh.

“What? Stop laughing! Why are you laughing?” I pouted.

“B-Because that box has nothing in it!” He continued to laugh.

“What?” I exclaimed. “Are you kidding me? I have spent hours trying to open it! With a freaking hair clip Klaus! A hair clip!”

This just made him laugh harder.

“I hate you.” I huffed, obviously not being serious; and walked out of the house.


“Damon! Stefan!” I shouted in a sing song voice.

“Hello Eri.” Damon smiled as he walked down the stairs. Stefan was obviously at Elena’s.

“What were you doing with Klaus today?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.


“Chilling? Really Damon? You actually expect me to believe that?”

“No.” He sighed. “I can’t tell you. You’ll get angry.”



“I can’t tell you.”

“You suck.”

“Oh! The pun!”


About 10 minutes later I was walking down the cellar,  out of boredom whilst ranting to myself quietly.

“Can’t tell you. Blah blah blah.” I mocked Damon in a squeaky voice.

Damon had gone out somewhere, leaving me in the house alone. Again.

Luckily tonight wasn’t a full moon.

I passed one of the small rooms which we kept Damon in when he was all suicidal after getting bitten. Ever since then it’s been totally empty.

But as I passed it this time I heard someone cry out in pain.

So this is what Damon and Klaus were up to. Keeping someone prisoner, potentially torturing them.

Why am I even saying Potentially? Of course they have.

So, as I slowly walked up the metal bars to see who it was, I was not expecting to see the person that I did.


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