"I-I don't know."

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Klaus’ head snappedup at the sound of my distinct laugh.

"Verity?" He asked hopefully.

"Hello Santa Klaus." I teased hearing Damon and Stefan chuckle in sync from behind me.

I slowly walked over to Klaus, before running into his already open arms.

"You’re such a douche bag." I muttered, my head still buried in his chest. Taking in the familiar scent.

I felt him laugh, before agreeing with me.

Pulling out of the hug, I looked around the room before turning to face Klaus again.

"Where did Kol go?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I’m right here sweetheart." I heard Kol’s velvety voice fill the room as he entered it.

I still felt the butterflies every time I was in Kol’s presence.

"So he gets a hug and I don’t?" He playfully scoffed, holding his arms open wide for a hug.

I silently stepped into them…..Secretly enjoying every moment of it.

From out of the corner of my eye, I spied Damon uneasily shuffling from foot to foot. Obviously wanting to break us apart and lock me in a tower like Rapunzel. Amusing really.


3 hours later I was sat in front of the fire in the living room, wearing my Pyjamas.

I felt someone sit next to me, making me tear my eyes away from the fire and settle on Stefan who was smiling softly at me.

"How are you coping?...And before you say you’re ‘fine’ I know you’re not. I know you’re frustrated, upset, worried; confused."

"Jacksons back, the person who broke your heart and killed you. And I can tell you’re not ‘fine’ with that. Even though I’m younger than you and I may not be Damon; I also care and love you so much too. So you don’t need to lie to me Verity."

By the time he had finished my face must have been the perfect picture of surprise. I certainly wasn’t expecting that.

Feeling a smile spread itself across my face, I pulled my younger brother into a hug, which he quickly returned.

"Well aren’t you all mature and grown up." I teased quietly, still embraced in the hug.


"Night Stefan, Night Damon!" I shouted, hearing them both reply whilst walking into my dark bedroom.

The only thing keeping it from being pitch black was the moonlight seeping through my open window-



I didn’t open that…

"Damon! Did you open my window?" I shouted still eyeing it.

"No…Why?" Was his wary reply.

"Because I-"

My reply was muffled due to a hand quickly covering my mouth.

Letting my defence mode kick in, I took the intruder by the neck and slammed them into my already closed bedroom door.

Only to see that the ‘intruder’ was a smirking;



"What the hell?" I hissed, my hand still around his neck.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now