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After walking back up to my room, I had a shower and walked over to ‘My wardrobe.’ After picking out some clothes ... which I do not remember buying at all. I put them on, quickly brushed through my hair and headed back out the door.

When I got downstairs, I noticed that Elena, Kol and Klaus had left and my brothers were waiting for me.

“We’re going back to the witches house, to see if there is anything to give us an idea about how to get you your memory back.” Damon told me, setting down his drink.

“Can I come?” I asked.                              

“No.” They said at the same time.

“Please? It’s not like he’s still alive to do anymore damage.” I frowned.

“Fine.” Stefan sighed after a minute.

Smiling, I followed them out of the door and to Damon’s car.

“I like your new car Damon.”

He raised an eyebrow. “It’s not very new. Well…It is to you.”

Once we had made our way to the weird looking house, we climbed out of the car and entered it.

The smell and horrible atmosphere hit me first.

“Wow.” I muttered, squinting.

“Yup, I know exactly what you mean.” Stefan chuckled, patting my shoulder.

We walked further into the house until we came to a room with pictures all over the walls.

Demons eyes widened. “What the…”

The pictures were of vampires. Or of what humans thought vampires looked like. All through the years. From centuries ago.

Shaking my head, I sighed and began to scan the house with my brothers.


“Found anything yet?” I shouted to Stefan and Damon from a different room.

“No.” Stefan huffed from the ‘Kitchen.’ Which was really just full of dead animals.

“Nope.” Damon replied from the basement, which smelt absolutely horrible.

“Eh. Can we stop now? It’s been almost 2 hours!” I whined, walking into the hallway.

“Fine.” They replied, joining me. “Let’s go.”


“Guys, I’m gunna go...Somewhere.” I told them as we got home.

“Ok, maybe you could go to the grill, that’s where you usually go. You can’t miss it. It’s in the town centre. But be careful. You have a lot more enemies then you did ten years ago.” Damon warned.

“I do?” I asked myself, as I made my way to my own car.

The dive there wasn’t very eventful. Although I when I saw the sign for the grill I felt a small tug. As if my heart was trying to tell me something.

As I walked through the doors of the grill, I scanned the room.

It was very warm looking. It looked like somewhere I would spend a lot of time.

I walked over to the bar and sat down.

“Hi. Can I get bourbon please?” I asked the barman.

“Sure Verity.” He smiled back. His name tag read Matt.

Did I know him?

I frowned, looking to my right. No one particularly interesting. I then looked to my left, only to come face to face with Kol.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now