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The next day I woke up alone. Propping myself up onto my elbows I rubbed my eyes, yawning.

The event of last night came rushing back and I mentally slapped myself.

Let’s just make sure my brothers don’t find out….

Wrapping my bed sheet around me, I walked towards my bathroom and turned on the shower. I quickly closed the door and stepped into the shower, sighing as the warm water came in contact with my skin.

About ten minutes later I turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my damp body.

Opening my bathroom door, I made sure to check if anybody was in my room and was pleased to say there wasn’t.

Waltzing over to my large wardrobe, filled with many clothes from the many shopping trips I had been on; I bit my lip, trying to decide what to wear.

Finally pulling out an outfit I got changed and quickly blow dried my hair.

“Eri!” I heard Damon shout from downstairs. “When are you going to get down here? We need to talk about this witchy situation!”

I rolled my eyes even though I was by myself.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me. Hurry up!”

What? How did he know?

“Idiot.” I whispered, knowing he could hear me.

After quickly slipping my shoes on I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

“Morning.” I greeted whilst scanning the room looking for Kol.

“Glad you’re finally up. Klaus and Kol will be here soon.” Stefan sighed as I sat down on the sofa opposite them.

They didn’t know Kol was here last night? I guess that’s a good thing.

As if on cue, the door opened to reveal Klaus and Kol in the flesh.

“Ello love.” Klaus smiled knowingly as he approached me and sat on my left.

Kol smiled teasingly at me as he kissed my temple and sat on my right.

“Ello.” I replied in an accent, snickering to myself.

They both glared at me. But I just looked at my brothers, pretending to be innocent.

“So…” I smiled cheerily, purposefully showing my white teeth.

“We have a plan to get rid of the witch.”

I slowly nodded my head. “Ok, how?”

“We go to his house….And kill him.”  Damon shrugged.

I looked at him like he was crazy. Are you kidding me?

“That’s your big plan...Plan for what? Getting us killed?” I rolled my eyes.

“Well let’s hear your idea Verity. What do you want to do?” He snapped, making me flinch slightly.

“I would like to stay alive.” I glared right back, not caring that he looked guilty about snapping. “But whatever. We’ll do what you want to do.”

Stefan nodded; looking deep in thought. “We’ll leave in 2 hours.”

I simply nodded.


“I still don’t think it’s a good idea if Verity’s involved in this.” Kol muttered for the 50th time, as we drove to Davis’ house.

“Sh.” I playfully put my finger up to my lips, gesturing for him to be quiet.

He frowned.

 “Aw, don’t be a baby.” I jutted my bottom lip out, tapping his cheek.

“We’re here.” Damon stated from the driver’s seat, sounding annoyed.

Sighing, I stepped out of the car; taking hold of Kol’s extended hand.

“Ready?” Klaus asked us.


“Verity and Kol; you go round the back. And us three will go to the front. OK?” He raised an eyebrow.

Kol nodded, pulling me towards the house and around the back.

“Wow, this dudes a psycho.” I whispered to Kol as I spotted a bunch of dead animals hanging in a row.

Kol chuckled as he pulled me closer.

There were steps at the back of the house, leading to a door.

We quietly walked down them, careful not to make any noise.

“You ready?” He whispered.

I nodded, giving him the famous Salvatore smirk.

“As I’ll ever be.”

He smiled back. “I love you.”

“And I love you.” I nodded, taking my hand out of his; instantly missing the feeling.

I slowly pushed down the door handle, surprised to see it was already open.

I sent a look over my shoulder to Kol, which he replied with a shrug.

Gradually walking in, I immediately smelt the stench of death.

The smell itself nearly made me stumble back a step.

“Uh.” Kol scrunched his nose up cutely.

This was before I caught sight if the rest of the room.

The walls were smeared with blood. Covered.

I let out a small gasp.

“W-who is this man?” I whispered, grabbing Kol’s hand again.

“I don’t know sweetheart. Stay close to me.”

We continued to walk further into the house until we came to another set of stairs that led up to the main part of the house.

Slowly walking up them, there was suddenly loud crashing coming from up there.

Kol and I shared a look before racing up there and running into the room it was coming from.

 “Well, well, well. Look who came to join the party.” I turned to the owner of the voice to seea young man.


I though this dude would be old and wrinkly.

At his feet were a panting Stefan and Damon and Klaus.

How the hell did he get Klaus down?

Before I could react I was thrown against the wall by an invisible force….The witch, obviously.

I looked towards Kol, to see he was also pinned against the wall.

Davis walked towards us, a sinister smirk on his face. He looked excited.

As he did this, I noticed Damon, Klaus and Stefan trying to get up.

But they were unable to get off the floor.

I have a feeling we underestimated him; greatly.

Very slowly, Davis raised a hand and pressed it to my temple.

That was when the pain came.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now