So close, yet so far.

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When Kol finally began to wake up, I prepared myself for a lot of shouting.

He let out a groan before opening his eyes slowly. I smiled sympathetically down at him and ran one of my hands through his hair.

“That son of a- Are you ok?” He quickly turned his head slightly to look at my stomach.

I rolled my eyes before responding. “Yes, I’m fine. You’re the one that got your neck snapped.” He simply shrugged and sat up with a little help from me.

“When I next see him, I swear I’m going to kick his cocky ass all the way to the moon.” I stifled and laugh and buried my head in his shoulder. I felt him laugh along with me and instantly felt better.

We both slowly stood up and sat on the sofa. I sighed softly whilst rubbing my temples. “I can’t believe he’s here. I thought I had gotten rid of him for good. But it turns out I never got rid of him in the first place.”

Kol looked at me questionably. “What do you mean?” I frowned, knowing he wasn’t going to like my reply. “It turns out he’s been watching me for over 100 hundred years.”

“What! He’s a-He’s just so- Would you hate me if I killed him?” He asked I looked at him weirdly before shaking my head, “No. After all he’s done to me, I’ll be glad not to have to be afraid of him anymore.”

Kol’s eyes widened a fraction as he thought of something. “What are Klaus and your brothers going to do when they find out?” He smirked.

I actually hadn’t thought of that. Well, I hadn’t really had the chance to be honest. Klaus will more than likely torture him. Damon’s going to flip. And Stefan will go all protective on me and not let me leave the all.

I just shrugged and got up from the sofa and began to walk towards the stairs. But Kol’s voice stopped me. “And where do you think you are going?” I slowly turned toward him to see him watching me with a teasing smile.

I pointed towards my blood stained shirt and raised my eyebrows. Kol didn’t lose the smile whilst replying. “Why don’t you just take it off down here? Who need’s clothes anyway?”

Still keeping silent, I gave him a sweet smile. But soon losing the smile I gave him the middle finger before turning on my heel and walking up the stairs, ignoring his amused chuckle.

“Aww, why not?” He mock whined. “Because; I’m not that sort of girl. I’m tired. And I’m going to bed.” I called back.


Hours later and I still couldn’t get to sleep as there was a storm outside. I was simply lying in my bed staring at the ceiling listening to the thundering and catching occasional glimpses of lightning.

Giving up on sleep, I walked down stairs and for some odd reason I just wandered round the house for what seemed like hours. Even though I’m pretty sure it was only minutes.

Chuckled to myself about how weird I must look. Walking around in the middle of the night, in my pyjamas, swinging my arms back and forth.

“Verity? What are you doing sweetheart?” I heard a voice say from the doorway. I looked up to see Kol leaning against it, the left side of his mouth tilted upwards slightly in a half smile.

“I couldn’t sleep.” I stated whilst frowning, still walking around the room. “So you decided to walk around the house?” He asked sounding amused. “Yup.” I replied popping the ‘p’.

Rolling his eyes Kol walked over to me and picked me up bridal style. “What-what are you doing? Kol put me down.” I glared at him whilst trying to get out of his grasp.

“Sorry, but I have to make sure you get sleep.” He told me walking back upstairs. “And how are you going to do that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest in defeat; still glaring at him.

“You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.” He said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Yet, it still made feel the need to blush.

Why do I feel like this? Why do I get that strange feeling every time I see Kol? Why do I feel like I want to spend every single moment possible with him? Am I in love? Was Lucinda right? Or am I just really tired at the minute.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kol tripping over the last step and falling on me whilst doing so. Looking up I noticed his face was extremely close to mine. Oh crap.

“Hello.” He half laughed, half whispered; in that beautiful accent of his. I tried to resist smiling by biting my lip, but did not succeed.

“How can one be so perfect?” He murmured, whilst tracing my cheek bone with his thumb.

There was suddenly a big crash of thunder making us both jump and bang out heads together. “Owww” I groaned holding my forehead. I sat up whilst Kol got off of me. “Kol, why do you have such a hard head?” He was also holding his forehead and glaring out the window at the storm.

“I could ask you the same question.” Was his only reply as he stood up, grabbed my hand pulling me up with him. “Now come on. You need sleep.” He told me, pushing me towards his bedroom.

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now