Have fun.

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   Walking through the door of the boarding house, the first thing I noticed was a broken chair in the hallway. A random broken chair.

Giving it a weird look; as if it was human, I slowly walked past it and towards the living room. Once I had got there, If it wasn't for the situation; the scene before me would make me laugh. As I have to admit it was quite amusing.

There was broken furniture scattered around the room, a broken window, broken lamps, etc.. But In the middle of the it all were 2 bloodied up original vampires.

I felt my eyes widen in shock.

"What the hell happened here?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. The question was answered by Damon, who I hadn't noticed before as he was stood at the far side of the room with Stefan by his side.

"We just witnessed an original scrap." You could tell he was amused, despite the damage to the room.

I raised an eyebrow. "Because?"

It was Damon's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Why don't you ask them." I tilted my head so I was looking at Klaus and Kol with a questioning gaze.

Klaus spoke first.

"Kol decided to do to me what I- what I did to you." He rushed the end part. Rolling my eyes I looked at Kol.

"Kol-wala bear." I noticed the other 3 males in the room give us a strange look when I said that. "Why did you have to go all ninja on...Him."

I noticed Klaus flinch when I didn't bother to say his name. I felt guilt run through me before fighting it away with the anger I still had bottled up because of him.

Kol's only answer was a simply shrug. It was then I noticed that a cut on his forehead had not healed. There was a small piece of wood in his wound. I'm guessing from the broken table.

Frowning I walked closer to him and touched his forehead slightly. Making him flinch in pain. "Sorry." Biting my lip, I looked at Kol for confirmation, making him nod.

Taking hold of the small pice of wood I pulled it out. And Kol squeezed his eyes shut. "There all healed." I smiled throwing the bloodied wood to the floor.

Sighing I looked around and noticed that my favorite designer vase from the 1800's was missing from the top of the cabinet...on the floor...Broken.

I was stood frozen on the spot with my mouth slightly agape. Stefan followed my gaze and cringed. "Oh crap."

I slowly walked over to the remainder of the shattered vase. Once there I picked up a piece and let out a small whimper. "My poor baby."

Narrowing my eyes I looked back towards Kol and Klaus. "See what you did? You killed my baby."

They both looked amused. Sighing again I stood up straight, walked out of the room and towards the basement.

Once there I grabbed all the cleaning equipment needed and walked back upstairs. I handed Kol the sweeping brush and Klaus a large bag.

"Chop, chop." Was all I said whilst clapping my hands.

Kol leaned on the brush, looking at me with an amused look. Returning his look with a glare, I couldn't help the small smile which planted itself on my lips.

"Are you coming to Elena's with me?" I asked turning towards Damon and stefan, tearing my gaze from Kol's.

They simply nodded, following me towards the door.

But before closing the door I couldn't help but annoy the 2 originals a little bit more.

"Have fun."

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now