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  The next morning my sleep was invaded by the lovely Rebekah Mikaelson.

"Up! I need you to come shopping with me. Up!" She shouted whilst hitting us with pillows. Kol simply muttered certain words which i should not repeat, and turned away from us.

"Ok, ok. hold on a minute. Let me get ready quick." I sighed, rolling my eyes. Rebekah chuckled whilst eyeing me and Kol. I glared at her. I knew exactly what she was thinking.
Trudging out of the room and into mine, I took a hot shower. Afterwards I looked out of my window to see it was barely light outside. Looking at the clock on my wall i felt my eyes widen. It was 7 in the morning. "Rebekah!" I heard her walk towards my room. "Yes?" She asked, acting all innocent. Innocent..Yeah right.

"Why the hell are we going shopping at 7 in the morning?" I raised an eyebrow. Rolling her eyes she began to walk out of my room again calling over her shoulder. "We're going out of town." Huh?
Shaking my head i walked over to my wardrobe and got changed into something shopping comfy.

[polyvore] Knowing Rebekah we were going to be doing a lot of walking.
l walked out of the room grabbing my bag in the way. When i had reached the bottom of the stairs i noticed that Kol had already gotten up and was sat on the sofa trying to get his hair to stay in place. I chuckled slightly, making him look at me and grin.
Rebekah came strutting through the room. "Finally! We need to go!" She sighed whilst grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.

"Wait." Kol said firmly from behind us. "Yes?" Me and Rebekah asked at the same time. He stood in front of us with his arms crossed and a serious expression planted upon his face. "Rebekah. If Verity comes back with one scratch on her i will-"
"Yeah, yeah i get it. Don't worry Kol. I won't let anything happen to her anyway. I care about her a lot too." She narrowed her eyes at him.
"But with Jackson-"

"Who's Jackson?" Rebekah interrupted him. I sighed whilst rubbing my temples. "I'll explain to you on the way, okay?"
She nodded and continued to walk out the door. I looked at Kol to see he was glaring at nothing in particular.
"Chill Kolwala bear ." I teased following Rebekah out the door.

Just as i was walking out of the door i saw Kol shaking his head and smiling slightly.


Rebekah and I had been shopping for over 5 hours and I felt like i was going to pass out at any minute. Walking into the eleventh shoe store today i sighed thinking about when i told Rebekah about Jackson.

The first thing she said was; "Oh, Looks like dear brother Kol had some competition." This resulted in me whacking her around the head.
I was brought out of my daydream when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see a man which looked to be in his late twenties, smirking flirtily at me.

"Ermm, may i help you?" I asked politely. He nodded and replied. "I just wanted to let you know that i you look a lot like my next girlfriend" He finished it off with a wink which made him look like he had something in his eye.
I simply ignored him and started to walk towards Rebekah who was watching with a very amused look on her face.

But he just wouldn't give up.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" How embarrassing. Once i hate reached Bekah i motioned towards the exit and stated "We are going home." She began to laugh, making me glare at her out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh come on Ver. You have to admit, that was quite amusing." She chuckled getting into the car.

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