The plan.

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“So…Bonnie. What do you have in mind?” Elijah asked the witch as everyone sat in the living room of the boarding house.

Verity sat between her brothers, feeling slightly upset when she thought back to the events which had happened earlier that day.

It had shocked her when Kol suddenly broke down.

She couldn't help but feel her heart clench when she saw the sadness in his eyes.

“ I've found something. But, I’m not sure any of you are going to like it.” Bonnie awkwardly frowned.

Rebekah, who had been sat on the edge of Klaus’ chair, sighed.


“Well, the witch who actually erased Verity’s memory was an amateur. He didn't know what he was doing. So he didn't do it properly, which means it can be undone. He didn't put enough energy into-“

“ Ok, ok witch. Just tell us how to get Verity’s memory back.” Rebekah sassed again.

“Just let her continue Rebekah.” Stefan, who already knew Bonnie’s idea interrupted.

Bonnie looked annoyed but continued.

“Now, this is the part I know you’re not going to like...” She looked at everyone in turn.

“Verity has to die.”

These four words caused an eruption of voices all at once.

“Are you crazy?”


“What’s the point in that? If she dies, that would defeat the whole purpose of her even getting her memory back!”

“Stupid idea!”

Verity simply stayed still, watching the people around her bicker like children.


Everyone went quiet, looking at her in shock.

“Let Bonnie Finish.” She said quietly.

They all turned to look at Bonnie, who smiled at Verity in thanks before speaking again.

“It would be temporarily…A couple of days. I would cast a spell that would enable her to come back…But there is a chance that, maybe she won’t…”

Kol shook his head.

“Now, this is absurd! If you think I’m going to let you-“

“I’ll do it.” 

Once again, everyone looked at Verity in shock. So she repeated it.

“I said I’ll do it.”

“No, you can’t.” Klaus sat up straighter.

“I can, and I will.”

She then looked back at Bonnie. “When do we do this?”

Bonnie nodded. “Tonight.”


“Ok, so I need to stand in the middle of the circle.” Bonnie told Verity a few hours later.

They were all in a large field on the outskirts of Mystic falls.

“I still don’t like this idea.” Kol mumbled, as he stood next to Klaus.

“Hush Kol.” Rebekah told him.

Verity did as Bonnie said and stood in the middle of the circle, carefully made of some sort of ashes.

“This may hurt, a little bit.” Bonnie bit the inside of her lip nervously.

Verity simply nodded.


“Kol!” Klaus warned.

Bonnie took a deep breath before setting the ashes alight, creating a circle of fire around Verity.

“Terra, spiritus, aqua, ignis. invoco super te.”

She carefully held up the necklace with the purple stone, to the moonlight.

“post mortem autem potentia est principium.”

A sudden shot of pain went through verity’s heart as she fell to her knee’s.

Kol took a step forwards, but was stopped by Klaus and Rebekah.

Bonnie continued to chant, the light of the fire becoming brighter.

There was one more blast of pain before Verity lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a heap.

The fire went out, and everything was silent.

“Is she gone?” Damon asked quietly.


Klaus and Rebekah let go of Kol, causing his to rush over to the now limp body of the woman he loves.

“How long?” He asked. “How long is she going to be like this?”

“D-dead?” Rebekah stuttered, slightly shaken by what she had just seen.

“She’s not dead Rebekah!” Kol insisted, although; they all knew she was.

“Two days at the most.” Bonnie replied.

“I just wish she didn't have to be alone.” Elijah spoke, before silence took over.

Suddenly Elena gasped.

“I have an idea.”

“What?” Rebekah sighed; annoyed that she was the doppelganger was even there.

“What about Jeremy?”  

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