And he's back...

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Walking into the Grill with Kol I couldn’t help but notice the stares we were getting. Especially from people who knew me, and knew whom/what Kol was.

After walking over to a free table Kol pulled out a chair for me. “My lady” He spoke with his adorable accent. I raised an eyebrow at the ‘My’ Lady part but simply said thank you and made no other comments.

After Matt had taken are orders, which had involved a lot of questioning looks in my direction; Kol began to interrogate me.

“So would you like to tell me what got you so scared last night, or do I have to call Klaus and ask him?” He asked me seriously. Of course he figured that Klaus would know, I tell Klaus everything.

“I’d rather not talk about it.” I said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him. Kol looked at me intently, before gently putting his hand over mine. I flinched slightly, not expecting the physical contact.

When I did this I saw him frown. “You know Verity; I may be cocky, flirty and a little bit arrogant...Ok very arrogant. But I would never judge you. I will always listen. I only want to help, to be there for you.” He told me softly.

I lifted my gaze and looked into his eyes. There was something within them that made me want to confide in him. Tell him everything.

I took a deep breath before starting. When Kol realised I was going to tell him, his expression changed into a one of concentration. Yet he had still not let go of my hand.

“In 1847, when Katherine Patrova; or Katerina came to stay with my family and I, she brought her brother; Jackson. He basically did the same with me, as Katherine was doing with both of my brothers. He was compelling me. Compelling me to accept the fact he was a vampire, compelling me to drink his blood, to allow him to drink my own blood. He told me he loved me.” I noticed that Kol had not moved at all whilst I had been telling him this and carried on.

“But one night we were taking a walk through the forest. Me; feeling safe with him at the time gladly obliged. I was so naïve, so blind. It was then, when there was nobody about. He compelled me to be afraid of him, to feel all the emotions towards him that he had once made me vanish. He liked the chase. The feeling of my fear. It was like a storm of terrifying emotions all at once. I tried to run, but that was my mistake. He caught me eventually. And drank from me until I died, even though he knew I had his blood in my system.”

During the last part I felt Kol’s grip on my hand tighten slightly, but chose to ignore it. I quickly looked around to make sure that nobody was listening, so when I noted that there was not I turned back to Kol who was frowning at the table.

“Do you know if Jackson is still alive?” He asked me. I simply shrugged.

“I have no idea, the last time I saw him was when he left the day after he turned me.” I sighed. I could tell by the look on his face, that Kol was deep in thought. I sighed again before getting up out of my seat.

“I need a drink.” I told Kol whilst walking past him towards the bar. I compelled the unknown barman to serve me alcohol and ordered a whisky.

Less than a minute later Kol sat next to me, ordering the same before turning towards me. “Let’s get to know each other a bit more, huh?” He added a wink at the end for effect.

And he’s back.

Hi! Thanks for reading you beautiful people! I know this chapter was BLAH! But I just needed to explain what had actually happened to Verity so there would be no confusion. Goodbye, until next time....Jellybeans. 0_o

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now