Here goes nothing.

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I didn't bother take my car. I wasn't going far. Just somewhere to cool down.
I walked into the forest, kicking a few sticks. Picking one up I began to slowly snap pieces from it.

He's never done that before. I'd never seen Klaus like that before. I guess you could say that he was feeling a little bit over protective, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of anger which had taken over.

Squeezing my eyes tightly shut I threw the stick I was currently holding out of my sight. I began to get an odd feeling. There was a movement a little to my left. Someone was watching me, and I knew exactly who it was.

"I really don't know how I haven't noticed you all these years. You've got a stance of an elephant." I called out teasingly, unable to keep the glare off my face.
"Aw, and I thought you'd be happy to see me princess." Jackson shot back. I simply rolled my eyes and turned to face him. "If I had It my way, We would never meet again."

A look of hurt flashed through his eyes, before it disappeared just as quickly. "You wound me." He mocked sadness whilst placing a hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes. Again.

"You know, you should really stop rolling your eyes so much. One day they might just roll right out of your head." He chuckled.
I gave his a look which clearly said. "shut up, or I'll hurt you." But he shrugged it off and walked further towards me.

I didn't move away, I needed him to know I wasn't the weak, naive, human Verity anymore.
He seemed slightly suprised by this, yet pleased. "I missed you, a lot." I didn't reply, i kept quiet. Observing him.

"I'm sorry Verity. For everything. I never meant to hurt you, I never wanted things to turn out like they did. I wanted us to be able to be together..Forever. But then you father found out about me and Katherine, and I had to leave. Which was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But even then I knew I couldn't just leave you alone."

I wasn't looking at him now. My eyes were locked to the floor. But that didn't mean I wasn't listening.

"So I watched over you. There were so many times that I wanted to let myself be known. But I couldn't and I'm sorry Princess." His voice was hoarse.

"I love you..So much." There was a gust of wind, and when I looked up..he was gone.

I didn't believe that Jackson was sorry. But I couldn't help but feel sadness after hearing his say that.
Biting my lip, I ran a hand through my hair before heading back in the direction of the boarding house.

Here goes nothing.

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